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TheTankiest t1_iwm7zd1 wrote

Are there any resources that detail life in East Berlin during the Cold War? From mundane activities such as children attending school to gangs, civilian perspectives and typical police/military routines.


Tiny-Bus-3820 t1_iwpf5wf wrote

Although not about East Berlin directly, The Ideal World of Dictatorship: Life and Party Rule in the GDR 1971-1989 by Stefan Wolle offers a topical overview of society, economy and political structures in East Germany during Erich Honecker’s tenure as party leader. Since you show an interest in East Germany, I think you’ll find the book interesting. Also I think its hard to find books about the GDR especially in English. This book has been translated from German to English and is available on Amazon.


elmonoenano t1_iwqozz8 wrote

Maybe Anna Funder's book, Stasiland? I haven't read it but it looked interesting and I thought I'd pick it up if I ever saw it on the remainder table.