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svarogteuse t1_iwm0tno wrote

King Tut's tomb is in the Valley of the Kings, thats an 8 hour drive from Saqqarah/Cairo/Giza. Thats near? Way to actually match the article title to the story.


diablosinmusica t1_iwmctxi wrote

If you read the article it says the pyramid is in Giza and the mummies are in the Valley of the Kings. It is pretty weird to have a single article about sites so far away from each other. The confusion in the title makes a little more sense then.

Edit: I was mistaken. For some reason I thought the title of the article was different than the post here. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


svarogteuse t1_iwmghhf wrote

Proper English grammar on "and pyramid of an unknown queen unearthed near King Tut's tomb" in says that either both the mummies and the pyramids are near Tut's tomb or the pyramid is near his tomb but not just the mummies. Phrases like that do not refer to only the first element of a list, its either all or the last.

So no the title still doesn't make sense if the mummies are near his tomb.


[deleted] t1_iwmjl72 wrote



svarogteuse t1_iwmpxj4 wrote

Yes I know what you said. The confusion in the title makes no sense unless you just have a bad editor who didnt bother to read the article.


razzec_phone t1_iwn2xi3 wrote

Dude, I'm pretty sure he is saying that "Confusion in the title makes sense" means "it makes sense you'd get confused because of the way the title is written". You're both agreeing over the same thing.


juwyro t1_iwmlt0o wrote

Arent the Pyramids and Valley of the Kings completely separate eras for Egyptian history?


svarogteuse t1_iwmpkad wrote

The famous pyramids and the Valley of the Kings yes. Pyramids were built in several eras of Egyptian history from the 3rd dynasty (2600 B.C.) to the last being built in the 18th Dynasty (1150 B.C.) which was the same era as Tutankhamun (1341-1323 BC). I don't know what era the one in question came from.


SnakeCharmer28 t1_iwmjr4v wrote

It's all about perspective. An 8 hour drive is close if you think about how far away Jupiter is.


Feynnehrun t1_iwn8lbh wrote

And Jupiter is close when you consider how far out in space whoever wrote this title is.


bravestar3030 t1_iwn1iwh wrote

Man I'm from Canada and even here that's not near, at all.


rickie-ramjet t1_iwngxop wrote

Yeah- no pyramids in the valley of kings… And no kings they dont know about remains except the one they left in place. There is one king unaccounted for. Ramses VIII - he may be there in the valley as those before and after are. They lookin!


OuidOuigi t1_iwn16ai wrote

600km is close to Americans, 372 miles. And that is measured distance to Cairo so this is 30 miles closer.

I guess their road is slow to be an 8 hour drive. Unless I am wrong on the locations.


piponwa t1_iwnk23t wrote

The article is completely wrong.

>Just a stone's throw from King Tut's tomb, archaeologists have unearthed the pyramid of a never-before known ancient Egyptian queen; a cache of coffins, mummies and artifacts; and a series of interconnected tunnels.

They say it's a stone's throw away. The pyramid, the coffins, the mummies, the artifacts...

I don't know who can throw a stone hundreds of kms but I'd like to meet them.


svarogteuse t1_iwpx97q wrote

Google maps said just short of 8 hours.

372 miles is much closer when you have well built roads like interstates. Even taking American state roads can add significant times to a trip. My trip to see the family is about 2:15 by interstate, yet almost 4 hours by state road that parallels and continuously crosses the interstate. I've drive both routes as many as 6 times a year for nearly three decades, the times are pretty consistent.