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aykavalsokec OP t1_ix2kx8r wrote

I don't think they explain intricate details. One comment I posted before is something like this;

One example I can think of are the statues found in Turkey, Indonesia and Easter Island. Their hands are depicted as being positioned around the navel/genitals.


bertiewooster_swgoh t1_ix2ndx2 wrote

How many places are there to put a statue's hands? If the arms are not separated from the torso, the hands have to go on the torso as well.

Hang your arms against your torso. Where do your hands end up? Right at the level of your genitals. Is this remarkable?


aykavalsokec OP t1_ix2nt53 wrote

Artwork is intentional representation. When you look at a painting, sculpture, motif etc. every drawn line, etched detail has to have a purpose. Just like in architecture, if you look at a floor plan, even the smallest dot has a purpose.


bertiewooster_swgoh t1_ix2ohk1 wrote

You cite three certain cultures separated by long distances that place the hands of their statutes on their bellybuttons or over their genitals.

Why on Earth could such a coincidence occur? Um, because genitals and the belly button all have to to with new life? Or the physical constraints of the stylized nature of the artworks meant there was no other real place for the hands to go. I don't know.

What I do know is that if you really want to engage with your question, go into the archeological scholarship, not reddit. Asking the question here is just a bad faith way to push your pseudoscientific hogwash.


aykavalsokec OP t1_ix2q8l8 wrote

>way to push your pseudoscientific hogwash

Holy crap, what is with this prejudice?

I gave you ONE example. This can be multiplied.

"Or the physical constraints of the stylized nature of the artworks meant there was no other real place for the hands to go."

And what you describe here also falls into the category of evolutionism.

I just want to know if there are other accepted frameworks other than diffusionism and evolution.


AgaOfKish t1_ix405nc wrote

>I just want to know if there are other accepted frameworks other than diffusionism and evolution.

There is, but not in history. You might be thinking of divine revelation, in which case you should try some theology subs.


aykavalsokec OP t1_ix44oif wrote

I am not thinking of anything, I just want to know if there is any other explanation.

I think divine revelation is not a good way of explaining similar cultural motifs.