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Sikog t1_ixhafg2 wrote

I'm very aware of the current chronology of the establishment pyramids.

Since the history of the Giza pyramids are LOST to mankind we are best guessing by books/texts written by Romans/Egyptians from local stories when they visited/lived in Egypt.

We also have carbon dating which varies a lot, a group collected 70 samples and got the results 2853 to 3809 BC. That's a difference of 400 years which very well might make the Pyramid of Giza the oldest.

People must understand that we don't know how old the Pyramids are, we are only doing calculated guesses.

The debate should ALWAYS be open around a subject like this specially regarding lost history, just because it's convenient to not change the order doesn't mean the first order is the correct one.


Individual-Gur-7292 t1_ixhctdi wrote

There is no question that the step pyramid was built by Djoser, a third dynasty pharaoh and that the Giza pyramids were built by three pharaohs from the fourth dynasty. We absolutely know how old the pyramids are, the order that they were built in, and by whom.


Sikog t1_ixhe2j1 wrote

Well you are simply wrong, a calculated guess is still a guess.


Individual-Gur-7292 t1_ixhen70 wrote

Not a calculated guess, but a theory supported by evidence from both the archaeological and textual record.


Sikog t1_ixhhirm wrote

A theory is in itself a guess of the unknown, there are also plenty of evidence that also challenge the current narrative.

I know about the textual records and they sure are interesting, however let's stick to facts and those are that we don't know the exact date of the great pryamid of Giza for now we can only estimate.

The great thing about history is that for all we know we might discover another technology next week that might pinpoint even more exact then carbon dating, it explains everything about the pyramids challenging everything we are believed to know.

In the end, it's all about beliefs and I believe the chronology are very much up to debate now and in the future, not choosing to debate history is just sad overall in my opinion nobody wins on that.


quintus_horatius t1_ixhgav8 wrote

> People must understand that we don't know how old the Pyramids are, we are only doing calculated guesses.

We have actual, written history of Egypt going back for thousands of years. They recorded who was buried in each pyramid, both on the pyramids themselves and in their records. The Greeks and Romans themselves have written histories that talk about their interactions with Egypt and corroborate much of what they wrote.

Egypt wasn't some kind of insular backwater, the Egyptians interacted with other states. Sometimes they were a regional superpower, sometimes they were closer to a vassal state, sometimes they were broken up into multiple states. There's over six thousand years of continuous history there, a lot can happen.