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A_Flamboyant_Warlock t1_ixinsa8 wrote

>I strongly oppose any Europeans clinging to their 4th generation cultural heritage though.

But it's cool for everyone else?


[deleted] t1_ixisdah wrote



Ripheus-33 t1_ixizws0 wrote

I don’t see there being an inherent problem with people taking pride in their ancestry, but I agree it’s a slippery slope and there’s examples of people across all ethnicities who take it too far and become full on fascists. What everyone needs to do is just be well rounded and respectful when it comes to cultures.


A_Flamboyant_Warlock t1_ixjawbf wrote

>I don’t see there being an inherent problem with people taking pride in their ancestry,

The problem is that there's no reason to do so, unless you think being X, Y, or Z makes you inherently superior/inferior. National or cultural pride is silly at best, and a breeding ground for xenophobia at worst.