Submitted by AutoModerator t3_z2naqw in history

Hi everybody,

Welcome to our weekly book recommendation thread!

We have found that a lot of people come to this sub to ask for books about history or sources on certain topics. Others make posts about a book they themselves have read and want to share their thoughts about it with the rest of the sub.

We thought it would be a good idea to try and bundle these posts together a bit. One big weekly post where everybody can ask for books or (re)sources on any historic subject or timeperiod, or to share books they recently discovered or read. Giving opinions or asking about their factuality is encouraged!

Of course it’s not limited to *just* books; podcasts, videos, etc. are also welcome. As a reminder, r/history also has a recommended list of things to [read, listen to or watch](



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dropbear123 t1_ixih4u3 wrote

Finished The Western Front by Richard Holmes

>4.5/5 rounding down for Goodreads.

>Very good. Written alongside a documentary series so it is accessible. It is good at describing the details of the battles as well as broader analysis on things such as the conditions that led to trench warfare. Mostly focused on the British perspective but does have a good chapter on Verdun. Plenty of maps and photos that are pretty good in quality. Sometimes it mentions the historical debates about things like tactics or leadership, but this book is 20 years old now so views and scholarship have probably changed a bit since then. It does have a further reading list as well for each chapter but again it is an old book and will not have newer books on it. Overall I'd say it is a good place to start if you are interested in the Western Front of WWI.

>Sidenote - Holmes' Tommy: The British Soldier on the Western Front 1914-18 is very good but a lot longer and more indepth and I'd also recommend reading that if you are interested in WWI. His books 'Sahib: The British Soldier in India 1750-1914' and 'Redcoat: The British Soldier in the Age of Horse and Musket' are also very good.

Finished today The Zimmerman Telegram by Barbara Tuchman

>3/5. For a £1 Kindle book it was fine but I wouldn't recommend specifically seeking it out.

>OK from a story telling point of view but it is very old and there are probably newer and better books on the subject. For example her descriptions of the situation on the Western Front were pretty simplistic and bad. A lot of the book focuses on what was going on in Mexico as well as US-Mexico relations and US-Japanese relations prior to Zimmerman sending the telegram. These parts felt fine to me but I don't know a lot about the Americas or the Mexican revolution in this period so I probably won't have noticed anything wrong or any outdated historical views. Also a lot on the lives and feelings of the various diplomats, ambassadors and advisors.

On Kindle I've now started The Western Front: A History of the Great War, 1914-1918 by Nick Lloyd but it will probably take me a long time to read (I read his Hundred Days: The End of the Great War earlier this year and really liked it and would recomend it if into WWI). Physical I've started The Last Corsair: The Story of the Emden by Dan van der Vat which seems fine so far (40 pages in) and is rather shorter.


sunshinedaydream56 t1_ixt19lf wrote

Do you think “the western front by Nick Lloyd” that you are currently reading on kindle would be accessible for someone just starting to get into WWI history? My fiancé has expressed interest in learning more after watching the all quiet on the western front movie, but he’s not like a history “buff” per se


dropbear123 t1_ixu4sf9 wrote

While it is very good based on what I've read so far I'd say no it isn't accessible. It's very indepth and heavy on the operational details (army movements, generals etc). I'd say The Western Front book by Richard Holmes I mentioned is probably more accessible. If books about WWI that aren't focused on the Western Front are ok then I'd say 'Short History of the First World War by Gary Sheffield' or 'The First World War by Hew Strachan' are good options (but Strachan has another book called First World War - Vol 1 To Arms which I'd avoid because it's like 1000 pages) .


realfakedoors5 t1_ixhrdmt wrote

I know I’m only about 70 years late to the party but I just started Bruce Catton’s Army of the Potomac Trilogy and am really enjoying it so far. I picked up the Library of America’s re-release of it. If you’re a fan of what Rick Atkinson did with his WWII trilogy (and what he’s doing with his American Revolution Trilogy), you will enjoy!


elmonoenano t1_ixj3cg2 wrote

I'm hesitantly excited about that. I saw the new release. There's been some good review of it going around too.


GreatWizardGreyfarn t1_ixivm1u wrote

Hi all! I’m really getting into naval history, specifically in the Napoleonic Era but anything about the Age of Sail really! I’ll take any non fiction recommendations, but I’m always interested in lesser known stories.


elmonoenano t1_ixj740v wrote

Have you checked out N. A. M. Rodger's stuff? I don't know a lot about the topic but he's written a lot on it, some of it pretty specialized.


bennettdykstra t1_ixlcq46 wrote

Nelson’s Trafalgar: the Battle that Changed the World by Roy Adkins is a great read


nola_throwaway53826 t1_ixwmfb4 wrote

You may find Jack Tar: Life in Nelson's Navy by Lesly and Roy Adkins interesting. It's an interesting look at the life aboard British Naval ships during the Napoleonic era and focuses on the regular seamen instead of the officers.


BlueApe462 t1_ixijxpf wrote

Can anyone recommend a non-fiction book set in the Middle Ages that features court intrigue? I’m not overly concerned about the specific time, place, or event. The ideal book would be somewhat zoomed-in so that I can familiarize myself with the parties and relationships. I’m also not concerned if the book is accused of glossing over debated specifics for the sake of framing the event and parties in a clear and compelling narrative. Thanks, All!


ideonode t1_iy128p4 wrote

You might like The Last Duel by Eric Jager. It's not quite courtly intrigue but more chivalric politics. Its quite zoomed in to a particular event and the consequences thereof.

It was recently turner into a film by Rodley Scott. I prefer the book, especially if you get to read it without knowing what happens in the end.


Kitahara_Kazusa1 t1_ixh6dyu wrote

One thing I've seen mentioned a lot in various discussions of WW2 is the Japanese interservice rivalry, but I haven't been able to find a book specifically about this subject, which is kind of annoying since it seems like it would be very interesting. Do any of you know of a book like that?

I'm currently reading Japanese Destroyer Captain and I assume that will have at least some passing mentions of the relationship the IJN had with the IJA, but I'm really looking for a book that is focused on the rivalry instead of one that just mentions it in passing.


Ranger176 t1_ixh4kyt wrote

I finished A Country of Vast Designs. This was the first book I listened to on audio so I couldn’t take notes which made it harder to absorb. I’m not even sure I’ll review this book at the end of the year for that very reason. Overall I liked it, though Polk’s seeming obliviousness to how the war exacerbated slavery tensions was puzzling to me.


vanvalec t1_ixz0fju wrote

Does anyone know any books on english history between the battle of Hastings and the rise of the Plantagenets? Can't seem to find much on this period but I'm very interested


ideonode t1_iy12rt2 wrote

The Anarchy period is covered off in a recent narrative history, The White Ship by Charles Spencer, which deals with the drowning of the Prince Regent in 1120.


Wookington_1st t1_iy3lpru wrote

You might like The Struggle for Mastery by David Carpenter, covers the period you're talking about in depth.


SannySen t1_ixzmxrm wrote

For those who've read both, what's the difference between Empire of Liberty and The Creation of the American Republic? Both are by Gordon Wood, and both seem to cover roughly the same era.


No-Strength-6805 t1_iy6085v wrote

For one thing ,each book covers a different time period "Creation"covers 1776-1787,and "Empire" covers 1787-1815.Also "Empire of Liberty" is apart of the Oxford History of America series where Dr. Wood was selected to write on this period of time. "Creation of the American Republican" was a subject Wood chose himself.Personally I believe "Creation" is one of the best books written about this time , and I would definitely recommend to read first.


Drdtdtdtdt t1_iy7hl8a wrote

Hello, Looking to learn more about the Yugoslav wars and the surrounding period. Anyone got any (relatively easy to read) suggestions to read? Or a podcast would also be great!


NRQ_Zipp t1_iy9mnsi wrote

Any recommendations on a book on Malcolm X?