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sunshinedaydream56 t1_ixt19lf wrote

Reply to comment by dropbear123 in Bookclub Wednesday! by AutoModerator

Do you think “the western front by Nick Lloyd” that you are currently reading on kindle would be accessible for someone just starting to get into WWI history? My fiancé has expressed interest in learning more after watching the all quiet on the western front movie, but he’s not like a history “buff” per se


dropbear123 t1_ixu4sf9 wrote

While it is very good based on what I've read so far I'd say no it isn't accessible. It's very indepth and heavy on the operational details (army movements, generals etc). I'd say The Western Front book by Richard Holmes I mentioned is probably more accessible. If books about WWI that aren't focused on the Western Front are ok then I'd say 'Short History of the First World War by Gary Sheffield' or 'The First World War by Hew Strachan' are good options (but Strachan has another book called First World War - Vol 1 To Arms which I'd avoid because it's like 1000 pages) .