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Mark7A t1_iyw714j wrote

She looks fantastic for being 800 years old


girnigoe t1_iyw7me0 wrote

yeah, I thought the picture was ridiculous, why show her as an old person rather than in the prime of her life? But I guess (after reading the article) that that’s what skeletal info they had.


teatiller t1_iyxbgso wrote

She’s supposed to be 65 and she looks 85.Maybe people lied about their age back then too


Hammer_of_Light t1_iyxhhkh wrote

That's pretty old at a time when life expectancies sometimes didn't hit 40...


uqde t1_iyz1zpo wrote

AFAIK this statistic is often misrepresented; the average life expectancy was lower, but largely due to infant and child mortality. Once you made it past 12 or so, you could reasonably expect to live a similar length of time as people in the modern era.

However, your point is still valid in a way. Life back then was physically harder and the state of healthcare was obviously nowhere near what it is now. People likely showed their age much more quickly than people today.


OMightyMartian t1_iyw7j1p wrote

When 800 years old you reach, look as good as her you will not!


99isnot100 t1_iywax19 wrote

I'm glad they sent her to the hairdresser before taking the photo 🤣


vinetwiner t1_izfv5ow wrote

My dads family came to the US from Trondheim, and he told me his favorite aunt came from the old world with hair practically to her feet. His aunt Tora. Old name habits die hard. Thanks for the memory rush from younger days.