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ThatGIRLkimT t1_izwman7 wrote

Where is the best museum in the world?


DarthGators t1_j045mgv wrote

Since this is a history forum I'll suggest my recommendation for historical artifacts, The British Museum in London. They might have stolen half the exhibits through their colonial period but it is amazing.


Damightyreader t1_j047cb6 wrote

Only half?


DarthGators t1_j047q21 wrote

Great point - half is always a good place to start when estimating something you have no real knowledge of, but in this case I think you are very correct the real percentage is probably a LOT higher.


ImOnlyHereCauseGME t1_izx8h3d wrote

They term “best” is obviously subjective and would depend what you’re interested in - art, historical artifacts from specific periods, etc. So not necessarily the “best” but the British Museum currently is the largest in the world with over 8 million pieces of art, history and cultural artifacts. If you take the Smithsonian Institution as a whole which has multiple museums in DC, then they would be the largest at around 155 million pieces. So if you think about which museums would likely have something for everybody then these two would likely be top of the list simply from sheer size and range of the collections.

My personal favorite museum is the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, but I have yet to visit the British Museum myself.


RiceAlicorn t1_izwoqqn wrote

The term "best museum" is extremely subjective and highly debatable. It's not a question for which any sort of definitive answer can be provided.