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illraceyou96 t1_izserwm wrote

Anything interesting about tearing up? 18 year old me was not expecting to rip everything upwards with my first so that was fun lol


snakandahalf t1_izsk9kg wrote

Omg me too! My clit felt like someone had put a cigarette out on it when her head crowned and I ripped at the top. I was fully expecting a tear on the bottom but nope. What an ordeal when the Dr who stitched me up wouldn't use any local anesthetic. I never made a sound when I was in labor or during delivery but I screamed when he began stitching without freezing me first. Did you get sewn back up?


Fearless_Reaction592 t1_izsplgg wrote

I didn't know that was a thing either. I had to get emergency reconstructive surgery as she shredded my vagina as well as tearing my clit. It took months to not be in constant pain. And now I have decreased sensation and difficulty climaxing.

But of course all the MALE doctors I've seen are all "wow I can't even tell you had a baby let alone had that extensive tearing".

I'm so thankful that everyone I worked with at my birth and recovery including all the or staff were women.


Skyblacker t1_iztruqi wrote

I wonder if something was lost in the shift from midwifery to male-dominated hospital births. Maybe our ancestors' midwives had knowledge of childbirth and recovery that's been lost to time or is only just being rediscovered.


TikaPants t1_izsz7gb wrote

I had no idea you could tear up.



wma4891 t1_izt1lyo wrote

When my mom was having her nursing school rotations, she had to spend time in L&D, and recalls a birth she witnessed where the mother tore in 4 different places, including up to her clit. I just can't imagine.


Fishwithadeagle t1_izt06te wrote

That's definitely a very uncommon tear, relatively speaking, since that area is much more muscular.