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candornotsmoke t1_iztrpr4 wrote

What's right for you isn't right for anyone. Also, the literature doesn't support husband stitched as it messes with the way the vagina unfolds during sex.

Secondly, husbands would ask for this when their wife was under andI and couldn't consent to the "procedure". The entire basis for the "husband stitch" is misogynistic.

It is just as barbaric as FGM.


MsTerious1 t1_izuxg7n wrote

  1. Where did I say it was right for everyone or even encourage ANYone to get one? Yet here you are, being hypocritical by chastising me for something I had every right to do simply because I didn't have a bad experience with it.
  2. I'm a woman. Please do not tell me that I am being misogynistic. That's as bad as women who don't allow men to hold doors open because it devalues a woman's ability to open her own door. Sometimes people can choose to do things for someone else for reasons that have NOTHING to do with with their "value" as a person.

candornotsmoke t1_izv66hs wrote

I didn't, actually. I just said what I was thinking and how I equated the procedure to other commonly done "procedures ". It wasn't a personal attack.