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Kabloozey t1_izuvng4 wrote

I'm not familiar with how to do specific sections of your comment as quotes, so sorry is a bit disjointed! I firstly totally agree that it may have been some non optimal word choice. She's truly awesome and her patients love her!

I know I suffer from some occasional wicked "foot-in-the-mouth-itis" we all do.

And I should clarify now that you mention it... this isn't r/medical school.

I'm not doing the surgery or anything high stakes during the procedure. We're talking closing laparscopic port sites, parts of open incisions (after the attending has got them started or gotten the key bits done) and certainly not doing anything major with knife. And all under active guidance from the surgeon. Not to worry anyone 😅. We start with watching and work our way up gradually as we prove ourselves competent as patients would, as I imagine, hope.