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Karvier OP t1_izw5999 wrote

  1. The previously mentioned forces led by Sir Hvrhan and Taiji Amin were hiding in the wilderness up until now, they saw the Chinese army enter the valley of Abudala. So they set up an ambush there around the mouth of the valley, the defeated Chinese troops chased by the crown prince then fell into it and were all annihilated, their commander lieutenant general Ting Lu included. Then the troops of Sir Hvrhan and Taiji Amin joined with the main force led by the crown prince in Varkash.

They found there was a Chinese-Korean joint force stationed in Fuca. The crown prince said:” Quickly, let our soldiers eat some musi(meaning cooked noodles in manchu) and our horses drink some water.” Then our army went to battle again, these enemies, however, were ill-equipped. The Chinese were all using bamboo spears and wearing wooden or bull-skin armour while all the Koreans wore armour made of paper. They were about 20k in number and they deployed guns in the wilderness south of Fuca, but their guns were also of very poor quality, they could not even make any firing noise with them. So we went against them and all of a sudden the direction of the wind changed, it started to blow toward our enemies. So we charged toward them with the cover of dust and smoke, and we shot and killed every single one of them in less than 15 minutes, even before the dust settled.

There was another Korean regiment stationed on the mountain Goryeo in the Fulgiyan at that time. They were utterly scared after they saw their 20k-strong allies were annihilated in less than 15 minutes. They gathered together and said:” there would be no other outcome except certain death if we carry on the fight, we need to go and surrender to these barbarians, even if they chose to kill all the POWs later, we’ll at least get a bloodless death(I am not sure what do they mean by saying this)”

So they decided to put down their banner and send a certain man with their military standard to our camp, that man said:” This is not our war, we are only participating in this war to return the favour to China because they helped us a lot during the Japanese invasion, at that time our land and city were all taken by the Japanese and we won't be able to survive without the helping hand of them. But now you have killed every single person of our joint force in less than 15 minutes, and our remaining troops on the mountain Goryeo were all Koreans except one Chinese Brigadier general and his followers. We will give them to you if you accept our surrender.” The crown prince said to other princes:” we could either accept their surrender or kill them all, but I heard that forgiveness brought more fame than cruelty, so I think it would be better to accept their surrender.” After a discussion between princes and ministers, the crown prince said to the Korean messenger:” you should ask your commander to come to talk to me, so you can prove your sincerity. Otherwise, I won't trust you and will order my troops to go kill every single one of your comrades.”

The commander of the Koreans replied as such:” I am trying to pacify my troops, there might be some potential unrest if I left the army now. I will send my vice commanders to your camp and stay there as a hostage. Tomorrow I will lead all the other troops to your camp.” Then he sent two high-ranked officers with all the Chinese in chains to our camp, and the Chinese Brigadier general hung himself. Then the vice commanders met the crown prince, the prince saluted these two and held a feast to celebrate. The next day, which is the fifth day of the month, the Korean commander Gang Hongrip led 5k Koreans to our camp, and the crown prince received him in the same manner. Thus in this single battle, we killed nearly 50k Chinese-Korean joint force and took 5k POWs.

The next day the crown prince sent the POWs to Hetu Alah to perform prostration in front of the Khan while he himself camping on the battlefield for another 3 days to collect population, horses and equipments. On the same night, two houses in the capital city caught fire, the Khan said:” it would be better if it rains a bit! There would be nothing left if the entire city caught fire! Though only 2 houses were on fire, it could spread out!” Then he ordered everyone to remove the combustibles from the roof of their houses. When General Yang, the commander of the entire armed force, heard that 3 out of the 4 deployed armies were destroyed, he immediately ordered the remaining one to retreat. Seeing this, 20 soldiers of our garrison decided to do something funny. They stood on the mountaintop, yelled at the retreating Chinese army, tied their hats on their bows and waved it backwardly, pretending there was lots of reinforcement coming. The retreating Chinese troops were scared by this and they started to run away unorganizedly, then these braves attacked their rear, killed 40 of them and took 50 pieces of weapons. There were around 1000 horses killed during the rout.