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AngryBlitzcrankMain t1_j0l0vts wrote

Depends where do you want to start. Prehistory, going through paleolitic people and out hominid ancestors? Starting with oldest civilizations and some easy overview? Or just follow one country/region topic and its evolution over time?


milmad1231 t1_j0l2syf wrote

Prehistory! I just kind of fell into a Wikipedia timeline now. I read about the very early universe, early universe, and then it got a little complicated. So I found an article by The Guardian that breaks the timeline of the universe down into more layman’s terms, so I’m in the bath reading that lol Edit: article is from 2008 so I ended up confused. But I learned to check article dates so whatever lmfao


AngryBlitzcrankMain t1_j0l3rpn wrote

I can recommend Robin´s Dunbar The Human story then. I also loved Graham Clarke, but that one is some good 40 years old now, if not more, so you can probably aim at something with more updated information.