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silentarcher00 t1_j0yi8c4 wrote

I loved the horrible history books as a kid and have watched the cbbc series as an adult and loved it. Is it an accurate representation of history? No, it isn't really. Did it get me super interested in history? Yes, and I and many people I know, even the really nit picky historian types give it a pass because it gets kids into the idea that history isn't just a series of events written in boring books.

I also do school history workshops and try and bring along as many props/replicas as possible so the kids can be hands on. The best objects are:

Clothing - always one kid who tries to wear everything I have and then overheats because it's mainly wool and they were already wearing school uniform

Quern - it spins! It hypnotizes, they can see it working as the grain turns to flour and they are all waiting to take turns

Flint and steel - difficult to get right but keeps them focussed

Weapons... doesn't need much of an explanation why

Kids respond to stuff that is sort of familiar to their day to day life but not the same, it gives them something to relate to!


Annie0minous t1_j0z3gn8 wrote

My daughter is 15 now and is a history nut and it's because of Horrible Histories on TV. It also reminded me how much I love history.


not-now-silentsinger t1_j15jgjj wrote

Horrible Histories is brilliant! It rekindled an interest in history I had kind of lost since I left school. I'm a grown-up and don't even have children so I'm slightly embarrassed to say I love it, but honestly there are facts about British history that I know purely from watching Horrible Histories (I didn't grow up in the UK)


Annie0minous t1_j15nrow wrote

Nothing to be embarrassed about! It's top quality television and pretty good at the historical stuff too.


ifmacdo t1_j0zw48k wrote

Came here to plug Horrible History. I believe it's on Netflix or one of the other streaming services Hulu in the US right now.


Annomaander_Rake t1_j0zyh9v wrote

im watching it right now on your recommendation, but its actually on Pluto TV, not Netflix. pretty good so far though.


ifmacdo t1_j0zz3zm wrote

lt's also on Hulu. Just edited my comment.


TheNumLocker OP t1_j10yqxo wrote

Ohh I had a few HH books when I was young and loved them too! They taught me life in history mostly suuucked. I did not know about the tv show though, I’ll definitely revisit them👍


Hetheringtom t1_j119rjx wrote

One of the writers of the show has a kids' podcast called Homeschool History too - short episodes on a range of topics. Well worth a go!


rodentfries t1_j11p78s wrote

'You're dead to me' is by the same guy! It's great, maybe better for older kids, but they have a "for radio" version of all the episodes :)


MT128 t1_j11z0wv wrote

Honestly not going to lie for what they are, they’re pretty historical, and pretty factual… with a twist of humour and satire.