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LocoForChocoPuffs t1_j1n51t1 wrote

There was a recent American Experience documentary on the Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis that you might find interesting: Part 1 |Taken Hostage | American Experience | Season 34 | Episode 5 - PBS It's focused on the US involvement, but the first episode goes into some detail about the history leading up to the revolution.

My take, based largely on this documentary, is that everyone agreed that they wanted the Shah and the US out, but they disagreed on what form they wanted the new government to take. And the moderates lost the resulting power struggle, in part because of how Islamists crushed dissent, and also because many moderates were viewed with suspicion due to potential Western ties.

It's certainly the case that many women who participated in the revolution did so expecting an expansion or at least continuation of their rights, not the oppression that resulted.