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Abject_Ad1879 t1_j2bl0pv wrote

In the paranoid years of the Cold War, countries had to either be aligned either to the West (US, NATO, Japan, Australia, etc.) or East (Soviet Union or Eastern Block Countries). In the 1950's, Iran voted in Mosadeq--who wanted to nationalize oil production for the benefit of Iran rather than BP's shareholders. With the help of the CIA Mosadeq was ousted and the Shah was installed. The Shah plundered Iran, and the secret police were everywhere. I think the biggest thing that Iranian's were feeling was 'Yay, we got rid of the Shah' and were very optimistic for independence from being a Cold War pawn. Unfortunately, the student's taking US Embassy workers hostage and the return of Kohemeni (and his hardline views) did not have the 'silver lining' that many Iranians still want today.