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avoere t1_j1po9ha wrote

Your cat was probably a spoilt indoor cat, not a barn cat.

Though barn cat's generally don't pick a fight with adult rats, they will eat their young.


joalheagney t1_j1pp6ml wrote

My childhood cat (a little calico) used to hunt adult rabbits and snakes. According to my mum, you'd see this rabbit or snake corpse coming up the road with a cat tail just visible behind it. "Look what I caught."


eveban t1_j1r6x53 wrote

We have a barn cat who has definitely helped our field rat & mouse issues. He was a feral cat my son brought home a couple years ago. I've tried to convince him house living is nice but he wants no part of it (I brought him in during the awful cold we just had and he screamed his displeasure for 2 days straight).

My only complaint is when he leaves the corpses of his kills on my porch and the dog finds them before I do. Nothing like seeing your dog toss a dead rat around like a favorite toy. So gross. But we haven't had any signs of rats and fewer mice in the house since he's been around so I'll deal with the dead bodies I guess.