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anewbys83 t1_j1vo34o wrote

What does a country being in the EU have to do with indigineity? Just because they left doesn't mean they're not a European nation, part of European culture, etc. Just the unique British Isles subsets. Celtic peoples certainly didn't care if their compatriots lived in mainland Europe or not. It does imapcr EU stats, but that's not the only way to define Europe and European.


LateInTheAfternoon t1_j1vpuxq wrote

>What does a country being in the EU have to do with indigineity?

Nothing, but the question is about indigenous groups within the EU so anything about indigenous groups outside the EU is off topic.


manic7impressive_ t1_j1xdyd9 wrote

The fact that the question is specific to EU nations. It’s part of the question, in direct reference, my dude


anewbys83 t1_j22tpct wrote

Yep, my bad. My brain left out the union part.