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JegElskerGud t1_j1wq89g wrote


ConsitutionalHistory t1_j1zd9s0 wrote

Technically you're could reasonably argue that a given black person in and around certain parts of Africa could claim to be the only true indigenous people on the planet.


JegElskerGud t1_j1zy793 wrote

That would make me technically correct not technically wrong. And if mankind came from Africa then Africa belongs to people of all races as a motherland.


AnaphoricReference t1_j20vb9x wrote

Not to mention that the current inhabitants of Africa did some large scale displacing and colonizing as well in recent history. The Bantu expansion (1000 BCE- 1 CE, iron age culture) is considered far more recent than the Indo-Europeanization of Europe (3000 BCE- 2350 BCE, late neolithic and copper age culture). If indigenousness is a race, Europe is likely to win from Africa.