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zestyintestine t1_j2wnw11 wrote

Ah, if only the 4-hour workday became true.


Angdrambor t1_j2xg0sc wrote

Our tech and insanely high individual productivity supports the idea, but lots of jobs require continuity.


[deleted] t1_j2ynw5d wrote

The board of directors require bonuses, as well. Those yachts won’t pay for themselves.


Angdrambor t1_j2yp98q wrote

This is the real reason we haven't seen a 20 hr workweek.


License2grill t1_j2z78xx wrote

I mean that increased productivity and profitability has to go somewhere! And we know that’s not to the people actually generating that profit 😂


Soulfighter56 t1_j2xl4j3 wrote

My job could be done in 4 hours a day if the regulations were lessened a little bit. We have a strict 24-hour turn-around-time limit, but if it were 36-hour then I could go in once a day and do everything from the last 24-hours all at once. Instead I work 4 10s and have a lot of down-time.


eeyore134 t1_j2xtk9w wrote

It could, but instead we've decided to go with the bleed as few workers dry as much as possible while paying them as little as possible to keep the people at the top hoarding as much money as possible approach instead.


aharryh t1_j2zrw7c wrote

"the time is coming when there will be no long drudgery and that people will toil not more than four hours a day, owing to the work of electricity,"

If you take the work/job out it, it's pretty much true, compared to 100 years ago, cooking, cleaning, and chores all done manually. Today electricity does all the work, we just load/unload and push things around.


jasperis145 t1_j2yaaa9 wrote

In most developed countries, work hours have drastically decreased.


MaygarRodub t1_j2x0u56 wrote

... then we'd all be alcoholics.


Davidreddit7 t1_j2xa216 wrote

some people have hobbies...


freeeeels t1_j2xkvcg wrote

Thankfully my alcoholism doubles as a hobby.


MaygarRodub t1_j2xcaco wrote

I literally just read an article on Reddit (I'll see if I can find it) that says fewer working hours leads to more alcohol consumption. Obviously this would not be the case for everyone, though. But it was a tongue-in-cheek comment.


ProfessionalBee4468 t1_j2xjwua wrote

Fewer work hours would just allow me more time for my hobbies but I do admit that with enough downtime I’d fit some alcohol in eventually. :)


RunninOnMT t1_j2y34w2 wrote

"Everyone will be beautiful so there will be no beauty contests. Or baby contests"




TheHipcrimeVocab t1_j2zecjq wrote

Beautiful baby contests were an outgrowth of the eugenics movement which was very popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (including in 1923). They have mostly faded away, but beauty pageants--which have the same origin--are still around.


[deleted] t1_j2yazgb wrote



Angdrambor t1_j2xhgy7 wrote

>Another posited that utensils and dwellings will be made largely of "pulps and cements."

3d printing! I'm sure the predictor imagined the use of molds, but it's nice to see materials science predictions.

>One writer envisioned a world in which Pittsburgh and London take orders "on talking films" from merchants in Peking, and "1,000-mile-an-hour freighters" deliver goods before sunset.

Half right. I can sit in pittsburg and order stuff from china, but the shipping is a usually a little slower than that. It's technically possible, but I think this predictor forgot to think about fuel costs. Also the fact that 1000mph shipping is unquestionably a weapon of war.


freeeeels t1_j2xl1yi wrote

I can certainly stream a "talking film" from a Chinese server instantly though


WhalesVirginia t1_j2xvyiw wrote

Most future predictions assume that energy is effectively an unlimited resource.


PapaSmurfOrochi t1_j2ypkpl wrote

Hello Amazon? Yeah, the drone went super sonic and slammed into my porch at 1,000 MPH. Going to need a refund on those headphones.


TheArmoredKitten t1_j3093hf wrote

Oh we for sure have 1,000mph shipping systems, but you definitely don't want anything they'll be delivering.


captainmeezy t1_j30iil7 wrote

How dare you assume I don’t want 15 kilograms of uranium delivered to my location at 1,000 mph, I have Godzilla’s to feed


War_Hymn t1_j309v4o wrote

>3d printing! I'm sure the predictor imagined the use of molds, but it's nice to see materials science predictions.

Sounds more like epoxy/resin composites, which is exactly what a lot of our stuff today is made of. See IKEA furniture and pretty much half of "new revolutionary material" posted on science journals these days.


green_dragon527 t1_j30pnfw wrote

Wasn't this when Bakelite was in high usage? Probably thought we would just be using Bakelite in everything.


Angdrambor t1_j31sy48 wrote

Prolly yeah. You gotta be smart though - I can look at 3d printing and see that it's still going to be a big deal in 2123, but I don't think it will be still centered around FDM.


Angdrambor t1_j31so71 wrote

The secret to good prognostication is to make vague predictions, so that they can be fulfilled multiple times in different ways. Resin composites definitely fit here.


hadshah t1_j30tl6s wrote

Hey airplanes can reach 700-750 mph during cruise sooooo… technically some shipping is close to 1000 mph


katiediditwell t1_j2wq4rn wrote

300 year old average life expectancy? There'd be no one alive in 1923 who could reach 300 by 2023, much less enough for it to be an average.


Lauke t1_j2xnjrj wrote

That's not how life expectancy works. If the life expectancy for 2023 would be 300, it means people born in 2023 would live to 300 on average.


trevour t1_j30be4e wrote

No, life expectancy is calculated based on the average age at death in that year.


AppleSauceGC t1_j2xoh1b wrote

Life expectancy is the number of years that someone is expected to live from a specific starting point. Typically birth. So, yes, people in 1923 could expect life expectancy for people being born in 2023 to be 300 years.


katiediditwell t1_j2xqz30 wrote

Yeah, I do realize how life expectancy works, but there would be no way to get from where we were to 300 in just a century unless a true fountain of youth was found. Life expectancy uses historical data.


CoaxedReach t1_j2xs77v wrote

They're saying modern medicines of 2023 would mean that someone born on 2023 would have a life expectancy of 300 years


katiediditwell t1_j2xsx16 wrote

I get that, but I still don't believe there'd be a way to get to 300 to where we knew and could predict that at birth for 2023.


[deleted] t1_j2x0i7c wrote



RHDGY t1_j2yoyt4 wrote

I love these futurism posts. It’s amazing seeing what those before us thought would happen.


Druid___ t1_j2xv9sy wrote

It's nice to see how accurate the "experts" really are at predicting the future.


tygamer4242 t1_j2xz1wd wrote

That’s because there’s no real way to predict the future. They just look at trend data (which doesn’t really help predict most things) and their imagination to come up with ideas. In the end though, we really have nothing to go on to predict what the future will be like since the world is unpredictable.


aesu t1_j2zdt08 wrote

The future is predictable, the timing isn't.


Sheeplenk t1_j2ygs1x wrote

Don’t worry. I’m sure today’s experts are much smarter, and there’s no way people will look back at our predictions and laugh in 2123.


crotaLotus t1_j33z644 wrote

The only accurate "experts" at predicting the future are time travelers


luv-it t1_j2zpk7b wrote

Where's my flying car?



Edit: Oh , and my Jetpack?


Thelango99 t1_j3039np wrote

You can buy a Jetpack if you fancy it. Your funeral though.


luv-it t1_j30an6o wrote

Yeah....kinda. NOT what I was promised as a child though. Slackin!!!


jaxxxtraw t1_j30ceoc wrote

Yeah, picture those guys on water jetpacks who do dives and stuff, just without the water.


luv-it t1_j30e3xv wrote

Exactly what I had in mind for my post above....meh, I'll pass.


Jammer97 t1_j328b53 wrote

I am a man. I have curly hair. They got me.


Gishra t1_j3p32io wrote

All bow down to the One Who Was Prophesied!


Aeellron t1_j2xluht wrote

Obviously written by a 200 year old from 1923.
