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AceKokuren t1_j2zjjdn wrote

I just picked up Powers and Thrones: A New History of the Middle Ages and I am enthralled. Who knew that a treasure cache would lay undiscovered for 1,600 years to become known as the Hoxne Hoard.

I've only just began to scratch the surface of the Middle Ages, but what was once an uninteresting period of history to me, has recently become a fascination for me.

I want to get my hands all over the Middle Ages and to discover what once existed, and what still remains.


ImOnlyHereCauseGME t1_j31ofh1 wrote

I finished this a few weeks ago and loved it. As someone who knew very little about the Middle Ages I thought the author Dan Jones did a really good job of writing informatively but keeping it interesting and surprisingly relevant to the modern era. I’m definitely going to check out some of his other books, I know he did one on the Crusades that sounds interesting. Also if you’re interested you can find some interviews/podcasts with the author on YouTube which are also pretty interesting - one I liked was where he kind of overviewed all of the crusades and their importance and Dan Carlin did a podcast episode with him also which is where I learned about the book originally.