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HuudaHarkiten t1_j3boyc0 wrote

I'll throw some more random word stuffs here

"a wolf" in Finnish is "susi", but "to howl" is called "ulvoa."

"Hovi" means "(a kings) court", these days a bunch of restaurants/etc are calling themselfs "_____hovi", for example theres a gas station called Pirkanhovi, the court of Pirkka lol.


roffadude t1_j3g2am8 wrote

Finnish is not related to Danish so that’s really unlikely. Finnish is related to only one European language.


HuudaHarkiten t1_j3g9qjv wrote

> Finnish is not related to Danish so that’s really unlikely.

I wasnt implying it was. We have a lot of loan words.

> Finnish is related to only one European language.

Two, actually. Estonian is related closely, Hungarian not that closely.


Memento-Epstein t1_j3lvu45 wrote

Isn't Saami also distantly related? By related I mean all languages in the Finno-ugiric language group, which I believe includes the aforementioned languages, plus probably some more I don't know.


HuudaHarkiten t1_j3lwijn wrote

Oh deary me, how did that drop out from my head. You are correct, Sámi is related but more distantly.

Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian are Finno-Ugric languages while Sámi is a Finno-permic language. Finno-permic is a split from Finno-Ugric. There are more languages in the Finno-permic group as well.


Memento-Epstein t1_j3lvq5q wrote

I get your point, but there was much interaction between the swedish vikings and the Finnish peoples. Besides, loan words through trade is common, as well as political terms if an area has been colonized (and I believe there were some viking settlements in Finland). Consider only of how much of the English language comes from norse words, latin or french.

I can definitely imagine that a hov for worship becomes an important gathering place for settlers or colonialists, and as such, that big men or kings would base their power from there, perhaps leading to some development of the word into being related to courts. I don't know. My knowledge of how etymology works comes from youtube channels and amateur word studies in Biblical Hebrew and Greek. :P

But the contact between vikings and baltic lands, Finland etc. is often overlooked.