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TheM0zart t1_j480d0q wrote

TLDR: LF recommendations for documentaries explaining the US history

I am going to visit the US in summer for the first time. Besides some things from movies, I don't know much about its history. I would like to know more about it in detail. Ideally starting far back in its infancy till today. Something like 8-10 hours of video material in total. Appreciating all recommendations. Also, I dont expect it to be one big documentary but many different ones focusing on certain time eras.

Thanks forward!


bangdazap t1_j4ccjex wrote

The Killing of America (1981) - doc about violence in America from the 60s to 1981. The real kicker is that it only got worse during the 80 and 90s.


TheM0zart t1_j4gqgxs wrote

Thank you. I will take a look on it. Though I am looking for something like you could watch in a history class.


No-Strength-6805 t1_j4gms6m wrote

Most obvious is Ken Burns documentaries ,he has wide collection of of documentaries most all for Public Broadcating Corporation (PBS).


[deleted] t1_j4vexe8 wrote

I agree with Ken Burns docs if you just want straight facts and timelines.

If you want to read about a snippet of early US...I recommend reading about the Salem witch trials. It really explains a lot about the US. Has to do with greed, mass hysteria and religion. I personally found visiting there to be more educational, but there are many books about it and docs.

But before you read that, I recommend Fantasyland How America went Haywire a 500 hundred year history. It's really a thesis, but I think very interesting and personally I believe it explains a lot about why America is the way it is today.