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Chefs-Kiss t1_j5mrcqn wrote

Since I’m not sure I can post it I will ask here

There’s been a new ai that surfaced recently which allows people to talk to historical figures. It’s apparently has controversial figures such as Himmler and Eichman available. While in principle it doesn’t seem like a bad idea the conversation seem to be stirred towards apologia and sometimes bordering on conspiracy. It feels like the type of thing where historians will be left trying to untangle all the misconceptions created. I would like to know however what y’all think regarding this new development


MeatballDom t1_j5nvluh wrote

Not really worried. Even if/when AI Bots start writing history books they still will have to be reviewed. Already today we have humans writing Nazi apologetics and it hasn't changed the scholarly view of Nazism. I do particularly love (odd word choice but I can't think of a better one) the books from the late 40s that have apologies in them that the research was delayed due to the Nazis, imprisonment, being forbidden from working because they were Jewish, fighting a war, etc. it's so casual and yet so impactful.

Our main job as historians is to evaluate evidence, we look at at the sources and don't just repeat what they say but examine it. In my work I go down to the very words they use. I've written ~50 pages on ~50 word passages before. So far what we've seen with AI bots (and spotting them quickly) is some very odd word choice.

So as long as we continue to have historians, and as long as we continue to examine these works -- no matter when, where, by who or what they written, then the field really isn't in danger.

Is there a threat to the general public? Sure. But again, no more than the already available things out there, and the fringe and extremists groups pushing it.


Chefs-Kiss t1_j5rel4a wrote

Hmmm it makes sense in the field of academia.


Doctor_Impossible_ t1_j5t7em1 wrote

> I would like to know however what y’all think regarding this new development

It's exactly as bad to the extent to which people will deliberately misuse it.


CranberryNo3510 t1_j6cjuwj wrote

Out of curiosity, whats the site called??


Chefs-Kiss t1_j6f4pqn wrote

Oh I actually have no idea....i think there was some discourse on Twitter