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pfx_9oV t1_ja2hiiv wrote

I just turn it off


fyoudingho t1_ja2l0eh wrote

Same. I can do better myself


pfx_9oV t1_ja2lyap wrote

I just fucking hate AI and don’t like people see me talking to a fucking phone they’ll think I’m fucking weird


fyoudingho t1_ja2vnte wrote

If you’re worried about how people see you, that’s a separate issue. Probably not a good idea


gusarking t1_ja2ivxz wrote

Timers, alarms, reminders. I think that’s all what she does great.


mbfreebirdfarm t1_ja2lm1q wrote

After falling in the tub and breaking a few ribs, I joked at a family dinner about needing a Life Alert button. I live alone and have a lot of health issues. My sister in law told me to use Siri. At that point, I had never activated Siri and didn’t see a need for it. Now I always take my phone with me whether it’s to the bathroom or outside. If I fall or need help, I can just say “Hey, Siri. Call 911” or have her call someone in my family. She’s also handy when I put my phone down and can’t find it. Old people problems! I just walk around in the house saying “Hey Siri” until she answers me! Lol


Alwaysaprairiegirl t1_ja2pglq wrote

I love my watch for these reasons. Especially when I’m home alone I like to have something with me. (They also have fall alert as well.) Toddler-induced sleep deprivation and pregnancy will also destroy your memory and I ping my phone with my watch until I find where I have hidden it (or the toddler did). Also, I hope that you’re on the mend!

As for OP’s question: I use it for controlling our home system (including lights and thermostats), sending messages when my hands are full via my watch, and perhaps most importantly adding groceries to the shared groceries list in reminders.


mbfreebirdfarm t1_ja3q524 wrote

Thank you! That was several years ago now when I fell in the tub. I didn’t know the watch had fall alert! I think I need to get a watch next!


Alwaysaprairiegirl t1_ja3qzqv wrote

They’ve had fall alert since the Series 4 but I’m not 100% sure if the SE has it. The 8 even has crash detection and a lot of really neat health features (ECG and blood oxygen). I know that most doctors do take the readings pretty seriously. Recently someone very close to me had some heart issues, did some ECGs and then went to the hospital. They were taken a lot more seriously and even admitted.


Optimiztic1 t1_ja3guiq wrote

oh, that’s good! when i misplace my phone, i get my ipad and have it “find my phone.” this is easier, i think.


mbfreebirdfarm t1_ja3qyiz wrote

Using your iPad is a great idea, too! I’m glad I’m not the only one that misplaces the phone! Lol


Optimiztic1 t1_ja2isen wrote

in the middle of the night i ask, “hey siri, what’s the time?” :-)


weird_little_idiot t1_ja2p4ew wrote

I used it more earlier but now it's like that I have get married with it because it's almost useless and not answer most of my questions


BigSadOof t1_ja4bn9q wrote

Not much more than that, for a smart assistant, Siri is pretty dumb


Northwiz t1_ja2hlkq wrote

Start the coffee maker, lights on/off, check weather, play music, search for things on the web, set timer and more.


Largerer t1_ja2iu0u wrote

Honestly I don’t even know all that siri is capable of.


ludvikskp t1_ja2vorf wrote

Never used it except a couple of times to try


0000GKP t1_ja30hrd wrote

iPhone: set time based reminders, set location based reminders, add items to grocery or other shopping lists

AppleTV: fast forward or rewind (fast forward 2 minutes), rewind + temporarily turn on closed captions if I can’t understand what someone said (what did he say?)

HomePod: turn on/off lights throughout the house, set time based reminders, set location based reminders, add items to grocery or other shopping lists, check outside temperature, ask if it’s going to rain, turn TV on/off, play music, unit conversions while I’m cooking (how many tablespoons in a cup?), ask what time a store opens/closes, ask when was the last time I did something (it checks your calendar)


Pvt-Snafu t1_ja3clzb wrote

Never used it on any of my iPhones. Well, except for testing the first time.


martinriggs123 t1_ja2hxyb wrote

Alarm, weather, set a reminder, convert a currency or various measures like miles to kilometers, pounds to kilograms, etc.


SmartPipe3882 t1_ja2idlw wrote

I use it quite a lot actually, timers and controlling lights at home, reading/replying to messages in the car, play music, change settings, ask questions (mostly maths). I live with my AirPods in when I’m out of the house, so it’s often quite convenient.


Momohoeee OP t1_ja2ig03 wrote

how do you read and reply to messages?


SmartPipe3882 t1_ja2ik5p wrote

“Hey Siri, read me that message”

“Hey Siri, respond to <name> with <message>”

Or, more often, “hey siri, respond to <name> with voice message” and then record an audio message rather than dictate punctuation.


Obi-Lan t1_ja2ji79 wrote

Timers, alarm, reminder. All of those are regularly not understand so I stopped bothering with more elaborate shit. Time to discontinue this nonsense.


TexButtery t1_ja32ew8 wrote

In my car with CarPlay, and that's it. Send simple messages, navigate to somewhere, etc.

I really can't find any use for voice assistants.


Jagry t1_ja3en69 wrote

I mostly use it for spotify and music, it really helps especially when i drive or work out.


haraaassssh t1_ja3r82p wrote

i use mine when asking about my batt percentage while it is charging, setting timer/alarm, asking the time when im doing other stuff, asking to turn off wifi/data, asking to go to *specific app, playing music, etc. so yep, it is very useful to me haha


infinityandbeyond75 t1_ja3s31e wrote

Set alarms/timers, math problems, convert measurements, send text messages, set reminders, open apps, play/pause music, weather, random questions, make phone calls.


Casual-Gamer25 t1_ja3tgs0 wrote

Siri has been pretty useless in my experience. During my time with android I’ve found google to be much better.


HotNewspaper00 t1_ja45xf1 wrote

I use it to start my dyson fan, irobot, start my car and play/ skip song


BIASEDTOAST44 t1_ja4mekr wrote

To answer the phone when using AirPods…….having a difficult time using it otherwise.


RetiredBSN t1_ja4mf2d wrote

On the phone, “Open appname” when I’m going into a membership store while wearing gloves; starting timers (on watch as well), making phone calls (either in Contacts or by number). I’ll also use it to open apps if they’re buried in folders and/or on other home screens.


DelusionalSocialist t1_ja59kus wrote

Exactly the same way I used to use Google Assistant on Android, not at all. (I only recently switched to iPhone)

I just don’t really see the appeal of talking to my phone compared to just doing it quickly by hand. Maybe if I’m driving and don’t want to touch my phone, but in the car I put my phone on silent anyway.


Sfswine t1_ja2i60u wrote

She helps me spell things and tells me how old certain celebrities are ..


faretheewellennui t1_ja2lv90 wrote

Turn the volume up or down when using my AirPods but can’t use my hands (such as washing the dishes or cooking)


Beautiful_Cow6458 t1_ja2mn8n wrote

I tried it a few times to read and send messages as well as changing the song I’m listening to on Spotify mostly just to see how it works as I recently returned to being an iPhone user. Haven’t used it since and have it turned off.