Submitted by _hariarchy_ t3_10tl9le in iphone

Context: My old X which I got at launch was beginning to show its age and even after a battery replacement from apple the battery life wasn’t holding up well, so got a 14PM.

I love the phone, and don’t mind the extra screen size at all, but it just feels too heavy for me. Is it just because I am used to the weight of the X or is the 14PM too heavy?

Contemplating returning it for the regular 14 Pro just because of that.



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commontao t1_j77cvht wrote

It is noticeably heavier coming from a 12 Pro. I’ve gotten used to the screen size and increased dimensions but not the weight.

I’m guessing it’s the extra steel and larger battery.

But I love this badass. Not returning it for sure.


diprotic t1_j77em0s wrote

The regular 14 Pro is pretty heavy as well. I was surprised how heavy my 14Pro is compared to my iPhone 12 work phone and previous Samsung Note.


one_hyun t1_j77g29l wrote

You get used to it. I like the bigger screen and battery life.


pxm7 t1_j77hizh wrote

Compared to an 11 Pro with case, even a 14 Pro with case is chonkier. Not unpleasantly so, but you definitely feel it’s heftier.


Simon_787 t1_j77il66 wrote

Yes it is.

If you can't get used to it then just get a 14 Pro. Unlike other phones there aren't many downgrades.


vishrit t1_j77jjor wrote

It is the heaviest iPhone ever (I believe). The screen and battery life more than makes up for it, especially on travel days.


Inner_West_Ben t1_j77po0a wrote

I’ve had mine since October, no issues with the weight. It’s a great phone.


_hariarchy_ OP t1_j77vgjc wrote

The other thing is that personally, I don’t hugely benefit from the bigger screen. I don’t consume any media apart from the occasional YouTube on the tube or such that a bigger screen would be hugely beneficial to me. That’s another reason why I’m considering going to the store and seeing the weight difference between the Max and the regular Pro


Healthy-Condition506 t1_j78ls82 wrote

Coming from a Galaxy Note 9, the size of the 14 PM was very similar in size and weight. You’ll get used to it


JoAn1801 t1_j78vwpn wrote

Battery life is pretty great on the regular 13 and 14 pros. Big difference with the maxes? Yeah, kinda, but those are a step up over an already good battery life. I too found the max waaaay too bulky to use confortably, I'm pretty happy with the size of my 13 Pro.


faretheewellennui t1_j79tfmm wrote

I came from the 7 Plus so the 14PM felt pretty heavy at first but now I’m totally used to it. When I pick up my mother’s 7 Plus it almost feels too light lol.


TWYFAN97 t1_j79xobt wrote

You get used to it. You also have to take into consideration this is essentially a two handed device which makes the weight even less of an issue. Unless you have massive hands don’t expect to ever use this one handed.


Alan_1375 t1_j7a4mmh wrote

it felt like a brick vs 12 pro max side by side! I returned it


Kxshlxni t1_j7ab890 wrote

I actually find the 14P to be a good weight, especially coming from the standard 13; I just felt like that one was too light. I usually like my phones to have a little heft to them though.


_hariarchy_ OP t1_j7d1dbx wrote

I think the problem is that since I use my phone one handed mostly, the weight becomes an issue. I returned the pro max and got a pro instead lol and so far battery life hasn’t been an issue


imahumanbeing1 t1_j7v84n2 wrote

I’m a few days late but I just got my 14 pro max to replace my 12 pro. I have to say it feels heavier than I thought and perhaps a bit too heavy to hold in one hand. Hopefully I can get used to it.

Also I’ve always been confused when people say about returning stuff - how could you just return it if you didn’t like it, sssuming you’ve already unboxed it and used it?


_hariarchy_ OP t1_j7z3yos wrote

I mean, you can return it within a certain time period, like 14 days (which is the case across most markets if I'm not wrong). If you're not satisfied with it you can return it (within reason, obviously). I returned my 14PM and got the regular Pro instead. It still is a bit heavy but manageable still.