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nptraveler21 t1_ja3af2m wrote

I agree with everything you said. The fact that there’s no dedicated back and menu buttons drives me crazy. Even apps that do have back buttons implement them differently. Inconsistent app control is my biggest complaint with Apple devices. This is something Android does much better.

And yes the hotspot is awful but it has gotten better. It was an F. Now it’s a D, maybe C-. iOS keyboard is also lame. Why do I have to go to an alt view to get to basic punctuation? Then you have to go to yet another layer to get to a # sign. It’s idiotic.

Also the lighting interface is lame too. I have to carry a separate cable for this stupid thing while everything else I own shares a USB C cable, including my iPad ffs.


novus_nl t1_ja3j5ce wrote

For the back button you can just swipe left on the page itself


ThorDiePie t1_ja3wglw wrote

Not every app allows this.


novus_nl t1_ja43npv wrote

He was specifically referring to browsers. Safari, Chrime and Firefox support this on iOS.

Even besides browsers most apps support it, where it makes sense anyway.


ThorDiePie t1_ja7ncf3 wrote

Who was referring to that? I thought this is about the general iOS experience lacking the back button. It truly is a mess.


novus_nl t1_ja7xhx5 wrote

You, by saying "you just have to wait" which is weong as you can just swipe left in all browsers and most (if not all common) apps


ThorDiePie t1_ja81nsu wrote

I'm sorry, where did I say "you just have to wait?"


iainttryingnomore t1_ja51svp wrote

This doesn't work if there is horizontal scrolling on the page. Also not all apps support it like Amazon for example. It is really inconsistent.


pxr555 t1_ja62b14 wrote

Do not swipe on the page, swipe into the page from the bezel.


Medo73 t1_ja6k02c wrote

Amazon does support it. In + 10 years with an iPhone I still haven't met an app or a website that doesn't support it


ContractorCarrot OP t1_ja3anjn wrote

IPAD IS USB C😳😳😳 oh for god sakes…yes agreed the keyboard is so dumb like there literally is not a full stop on the front page.


plaid-knight t1_ja3o5g4 wrote

On Apple’s keyboard, you can type symbols, etc. very quickly because the modifier keys work just like a real keyboard. For example, when on the letters keyboard, hold the 123 key with your left thumb, then tap any character with your right thumb. You can even swipe from the 123 key to any character. These gestures also work with other modifier keys, including shift and ABC.

Plus, you can double-tap shift to enable caps lock, hold space to enable trackpad mode, double-tap space for a period, and hold many characters for secondary characters.


Unusual-Editor-4640 t1_ja6xr69 wrote

The keyboard is really disappointing. Trying to give it a chance but probably just gonna get swiftkey which is what i used on android