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Zero-Phucks t1_jctshgv wrote

I see your point there.

What you’re seeing is the difference between Apples current operating system and an Android operating system that was likely only updated a couple of times in your ownership, as they just don’t get the frequency or longevity of updates that Apple give their devices.


Not quite sure why this is getting downvoted, as a 6 year old android device will likely be 3 or four years behind in OS updates due to the nature of android.

Edit 2;

More downvotes, presumably because of the Reddit bandwagon as nobody has countered my comment that android doesn’t support device updates for as long as Apple does.


SynicalCommenter t1_jcw2std wrote

I have nothing of value to add here, but if I learned anything on reddit, it’s that whoever comments to the downvoted one gets a decent amount of upvotes


memology707 OP t1_jcw63rh wrote

Reddit can be a weird place sometimes Xd. Still don’t understand why you’re being downvoted when what you said was true


Electronic_Sorbet200 t1_jcwmb6g wrote

People can downvote or upvote for whatever reason they like and either way it means nothing.


wickerfart t1_jcwt6sx wrote

A lot of people, myself included reflexively down vote anybody complaining about getting meaningless votes on this website, but do go on
