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Korrowe t1_jcxmo4l wrote

There is no way you do not notice a performance difference from the X to the 14 Pro, even higher refresh rate, video game performance you probably didn’t do much performance heavy uses if you say you do not see a difference…


Zero-Phucks t1_jcxqr8b wrote

Refresh rate, negligible real world difference on day to day stuff.

Gaming, I can ramp the detail level up to max on COD mobile now, and it takes half the time to load the game from a cold start. On the downside, I’m missing 3D Touch on the 14 pro now, which made aiming far far more intuitive on the X. So more playable in one sense, less in another.

Anything specific you’d like me to compare just for reference, as I still have the X kicking about?

Truth is that YES there are some huge on-paper advancements between the two, and for those users who fall into the niche market that will exploit every detail of those advances then sure, it’ll be a night and day difference.

But how many average users is that gonna affect? Probably very few, and for the rest of us are left feeling a little underwhelmed and disappointed at the results of the supposed camera hardware upgrades that are suffocated by the software processing.

Yes there are work arounds, but surely they shouldn’t be necessary? A simple toggle in the camera settings to deactivate the post processing or enable a ‘natural’ mode would be easy for Apple to add?

On the whole I’m happy with the phone, just underwhelmed by the lack of real world day to day improvements from two flagship phones so many years apart in construction.