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mjacob t1_je7787u wrote

You just now realized that Apple is probably going to release more phones after the iPhone 14? In that case, why not just wait until the iPhone 16, or iPhone 17, or iPhone 84?


Dmanrsgaming OP t1_je78k0n wrote

well i mean my 12 pro won’t even be alive at 84 lmao


RealMudflapper t1_je7btlm wrote

The 14 pro is a good upgrade over the 12 Pro. But the 15 is slated to be a massive upgrade. I’d wait.


RealMudflapper t1_je7bimg wrote

Right, but the 14 Pro wound up being an iteration. It was supposed to have ray tracing and a completely rethought camera system. But it didn’t. The 15 is going to be the one to get. So unless your current phone is unusable I would hold out because the 14 Pro is not worth the upgrade from my 13 Pro.


[deleted] t1_je7duvg wrote



SnooCookies8174 t1_je7twav wrote

Nowadays, rumors are not just rumors. Most of them are mainly confirmation about what is coming. At least it was like this is the last 4, 5 years.

We lost the wow factor from the past, but it makes it easier to decide if it worths waiting for the next one or not.


RealMudflapper t1_je7ir1o wrote

Of course! But these rumors are from the most reliable leakers that called the last few iterations, including how the 14 was supposed to have new features and a more significant processor speed increase, then the same leaker(s) announced they were going to be delayed until the next year, and they were right again.


NaturalRow5496 t1_je7cuu9 wrote

I upgraded from 11PM to 14PM when it came out… Could I have waited for the 15? Yes. Any regrets? Not at all. If you need or want a new iPhone now, go for the 14PM.

The 15 series should be the first iPhone to have the USB-C port which I would have waited for but I had a milestone birthday last year and I just didn’t want to wait..

I enjoy my 14PM very much.. I’m sure you’d enjoy either one.. 👍🏻


PinkRocketNinja t1_je7858x wrote

You have mostly the same phone I do. Short answer: no. Long answer: No, because the feature upgrades between phones are extremely minimal these days.

Treat your phone kinda like a car - the difference between a 2022 and 2023 car is minute. Wait it out for 4-5 years, and the feature jump will be worth the price.


_Sweet_Cake_ t1_je86fzm wrote

Going from an antiquated lightning port to a USB-C one isn't a minimal upgrade. It's a big deal. When you know how much costs an iPhone 14PM... The thing will have an obsolete port in just 6 months from now.


OhNoItsLockett t1_je780cm wrote

Do you need a phone now? If the answer is yes, buy the 14PM. If the answer is no, wait for the 15.

Keep in mind that we really don’t have any confirmed info on the 15 and as soon as it’s released you’ll start hearing rumors about the 16 and you’ll be back to square one asking if you should wait for that instead.


NickyGi t1_je7br33 wrote

Wait till iPhone 16 Pro Max but you know what? I have heard some amazing things about the iPhone 17 Pro Max you can’t even imagine how great it will be. iPhone 18 Pro Max though will be the biggest leap in the history of the iPhone so I would wait on that.


RingAltruistic7662 t1_je76zze wrote

Purely up to you and your finances. Also depends on what you currently have and if a 14 is a good upgrade


nrron t1_je786mc wrote

There’s always going to be “the next phone” you’ll be waiting forever


Short_Guy1104 t1_je7c7hi wrote

Depends. Do you need/want a phone now or can you wait 5 or so months.


Deranged1337 t1_je7ccpg wrote

14 Pro pretty much the same as the 12 Pro just wait for the 15 Pro tbh only 5 more months


Lpreddit t1_je7fg93 wrote

If you can wait, wait. When the 15 comes out, the price on the 14 should drop, then you can decide which one fits your needs best.


KenRodriguezz t1_je7ga4i wrote

I would wait for the iPhone Ultra with M2 chip


plasticdump t1_je7htrd wrote

The 12-14 Pro phones have had very minimal feature improvements comparatively, so we don't know if we should expect even more minimal updates to the 15 or potentially a more impressive revision to the phone overall. Time is the only answer and the 15 will most likely not be announced/released until later this fall.

If you want to wait until then, that's up to you. We're over 1/2 a year into the 14 life cycle and there are some pretty good deals for it at this point if you want to get it.


DevynDavies t1_je7i8ed wrote

I upgraded from an 11 Pro to a 13 pro and it was worth it for ProMotion, I noticed it everyday. That said at this point I would wait for the 15 since we’re probably 5ish months away unless you find a really good deal on the 14 Pro. I’m a bit on an iPhone enthusiast but I think every 2-3 years is a good upgrade cycle these days.


Roger7401 t1_je7lacn wrote

I have an 11PM and for my casual photography uses, the anticipated increased telephoto capability will justify the 15PM (and why the 14PM didn't add sufficient value for me to justify that model).


OrbJungle t1_je7rddk wrote

If you're already considering purchasing the iPhone 14 Pro Max, it might be worth waiting a bit longer for the release of the iPhone 15 Pro Max to make a more informed decision. While we don't know all the details yet, the rumored features for the iPhone 15 models, such as the always-on micro-processor, could potentially make it a more appealing option for some users. However, it's ultimately up to your personal preferences and needs. If you're in need of a new phone now and the iPhone 14 Pro Max meets all of your requirements, there's no harm in going ahead with that purchase.

But if you can hold out a bit longer and want to see what the iPhone 15 models have to offer, it might be worth waiting for the release and comparing the features before making a final decision.


anothermeno t1_je7zpsk wrote

Or you could wait for the 16 Pro Ultra in 2024.


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