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DarthMauly t1_jdvtfk9 wrote

Ask Siri to read all of your unread messages.

Siri will respond saying you don't have any, and the badge will clear.


runningdmc t1_jdvzmzs wrote

This is the solution! Scanning, looking for filtered, rebooting... nothing worked except this. And, the messages were a couple notifiers that looked read.

Thanks, everyone!


Hokie23aa t1_jdyjzyx wrote

That’s such a weird way of clearing unread messages, lol.


DarthMauly t1_jdz9d9g wrote

Only way that worked for me when I had that same bug


runningdmc t1_jdzoabb wrote

BTW, u/DarthMauly, I am still happy you solved this. I don't use Siri enough and no amount of hunting found this.


Rooster976 t1_jdvryly wrote

What works for me are these options in this order.

Edit. Select Messages. Select All. Read All.


MangyCanine t1_jdvq512 wrote

If they're really all read, it's a bug. One thing that often works is to just kill the app.


anythingmakessence t1_jdxwfek wrote

Reboot would work as well.


MangyCanine t1_jdy955s wrote

True, but that's pretty user-hostile. A reboot would be the attempt after killing and restarting the app didn't work.


yeswewillsendtheeye t1_jdz2x8y wrote

Resetting settings and restoring the firmware are invasive, simply restarting the phone isn’t.


MangyCanine t1_jdz6cbl wrote

While that's true, I never suggested that. You're responding to the wrong person.


iisdmitch t1_jdxnwwc wrote

Did you check "messages from unknown sender?" every time I have had this happen, there were spam messages in the messages from unknown sender section.


kh406 t1_jdz1wr0 wrote

If the Siri trick fails, try turning the phone off then dunk it into lukewarm water and turn it on while submerged. Keep under water until Apple icon has been on screen for 15 seconds. If it doesn't work, or the Apple icon doesn't stay on for the full 15 seconds, try the process again. It's called a wet reset. It'll clear the PRAM cache from the solenoid boot disk and you'll be good to go.


appletrades t1_jdvspmx wrote

If you still have the notification badge and you read/delete all messages. Restart your iPhone. Possible visual glitch.


runningdmc t1_jdvzpo0 wrote

Thanks! That didn't work but commanding Siri to read them did... it was a hidden notifier that wasn't showing anywhere as unread.


[deleted] t1_jdx66g6 wrote

Maybe it’s unsend messages


sicilian504 t1_jdxqvxc wrote

I have this issue with Facebook Messenger for some reason. All my messages will be read but it'll still show I have unread messages. It'll usually just randomly go away after opening and closing the app several times. Still pretty annoying to have to do that.


Ross10201 t1_jdyikso wrote

Nice  phone there.


neelabh2818 t1_jdz0nmh wrote

I am still not able to clear 197 messages but all are read and I cannot see under any tab which is unread but when I ask siri, there are 42 conversations which are unread. Any help for this?


PersonSuitTV t1_jdzz4c0 wrote

I had that, powered off the phone, powered it on and had more unread messages. I had to do that 2 or 3 times before I got them all.


Sylvymesy t1_je02fhy wrote

select all messages and list them as read, hopefully that clears them.


Jack5718 t1_je67t1s wrote

a few things to try

  1. try selecting all and then "mark as read"

  2. try going into messages settings and disabling "filter unknown senders" then trying #1 again

  3. restart the phone

  4. notification settings -> messages -> disable badge app icon


ilovemyhiddenself t1_jdvqz1u wrote

In settings go to messages, notifications and unclick badges.

You may have unknown senders filtered so you wouldn’t see these messages unless you looked for them. When in messages, do you have the world “Filters” in the upper left corner? If so, click that and check for the six unread messages.