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infinityandbeyond75 t1_je546a9 wrote

The sad thing is you’re still going to have to carry a physical license for quite some time. Even if your state approves digital IDs your bank may still require a physical ID for quite some time. Places like hospitals or places that require a credit check may require physical IDs. If you are buying age restricted products such as alcohol or tobacco, not all locations will immediately have a way to validate a digital ID. Also, if you’re traveling, you may leave from a state that the airport accepts a digital ID but go to a state that doesn’t. Upon traveling back, you may have to show a physical ID.

It’s going to take 10-15 years or more before we can expect to see things start to really take off for digital IDs.


HousePlant21 t1_je5l43p wrote

I’m fine with all that. I just want to be able to run the store real quick without my wallet.


infinityandbeyond75 t1_je5mxi8 wrote

I know a lot of people that just keep their license in their car. I don’t even think I’ve had to show my license to anyone in over a year.


HousePlant21 t1_je5ngbi wrote

Ehh idk. If my car gets stolen now I lose my car and my ID. If I had my ID on my phone and my phone was stolen, I’d still have my physical ID as a back up.