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Independent_Goat88 t1_je5l0hr wrote

I don’t know. But I’m kinda weary about adding it - I mean the whole purpose is to be an ID replacement right? So the police ask for your ID, you hand them your phone with the ID popped up, Aren’t you essentially giving them access to your phone for whatever purpose? I don’t know the legality‘s here maybe someone else can chime in but that’s just my thought.


Relevant_Day801 t1_je6n54h wrote

Would be cool if you could airdrop them a temp copy of the license and insurance card that disappears in 15 minutes…


f60faith t1_je6o9im wrote

I’m not sure how it works for Apple wallet but if your state has digital ID the police scan a QR code on your screen, so they don’t actually physically touch your phone. I just looked at my digital ID and it actually says…share your info scan QR code( and my camera comes up)So maybe you use your phone to scan a QR code that then somehow sends your information to a device the officer has🤷🏼‍♀️


ThatYoungBusinessGuy t1_je70hew wrote

In my state our Digital ID is added to the iPhone wallet and it has a barcode an officer can scan and they could just write down your DL number from the ID pass. Has your picture, name and DL number along with the barcode.

I can access it with my iPhone locked. Double press lock button and tap my ID in the wallet.