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j4ckalop3 t1_jeebhdc wrote

In some countries and regions you can’t turn them off. Looks like you live in one of those areas.


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jeebkra wrote

Lovely, thanks for the insight.


squarebenzene t1_jeer7m7 wrote

You can turn it off, it's just not obvious.

Accessibility > audio/visual > headphone notification

Took me so f-cking long to find this answer after searching online because it's not where you'd expect it to be


Darkmage4 t1_jeevyc7 wrote

Thank you! Been trying to figure this out for awhile! Obviously the Bluetooth volume is going to be all the way up when in the car. But the stereo can have it down low to the point it’s super quiet, and I’ll still get this notification. I never listen to my headphones that high anyways, and never get this notification. But in the car it’s constant, and super annoying.


electric_medicine t1_jef69xw wrote

In the Bluetooth device settings for your car, you can set the device type to "Car stereo" and it will never throw you a notification even if they're globally available. That was one of the first updates they released when the headphone notifications were first introduced and the backlash from countless users with this exact issue arose.


Darkmage4 t1_jeg1xwg wrote

Oh! I had no idea! Thank you. I will look at that. I turned it off anyways in the settings above. So doesn’t hurt to turn that on. lol.


SurealGod t1_jef7i8j wrote

I find that Apple puts some of the settings in weird places.

A lot of them (like promotion or the headphone messages) are found accessibility when they should be in display settings or the airpod settings


TimidPanther t1_jeeckmi wrote

Which country? Is it in the EU?


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jeeeyhy wrote

Residing in and phone service provided within USA by Verizon.


TimidPanther t1_jeef3ob wrote

That's weird, I would have presumed you'd have been given the right to destroy your eardrums. Rightfully so.


ThePowerOfStories t1_jefgnyl wrote

Americans have a god-given right to destroy their hearing with the deafening sounds of repeated gunfire.


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jeegsit wrote

Lol I echo that sentiment. Thanks again for the insight provided.


knletree t1_jefreyp wrote

Lot of upvotes for an answer that’s completely wrong. You can shut it off just not on that screen


j4ckalop3 t1_jefvakd wrote

Please read this.

“Due to regulations and safety standards, headphone notifications can't be turned off in certain countries or regions.”


knletree t1_jefvjcl wrote

Op has the full ability to shut this off. I only care because I saw so many people saying what you’re saying, to later find out it’s on a different screen.


CharlesJHV t1_jeehy9b wrote


If you think warning notifications are annoying wait until you get the endless ringing in your ear


lodvib t1_jeetjce wrote

This, never having a quiet moment sucks :(


neverstudying t1_jef78w7 wrote

A couple of weeks ago I would’ve posted the same as what OP did…always wanted to rid the notification, always having volume at full when working out, commuting etc.

Now I have tinnitus and am severely uncomfortable the vast majority of the time. Safe to say I should have listened to the apple sound warnings


CharlesJHV t1_jef8yys wrote

Sorry you have to go through that. Tinnitus can hang around for a while but after some time it does get better and even goes away. I wish you get through it soon


I_aM_a-thiCC t1_jegnpz5 wrote

Yeah but I personally find the headphone warnings super annoying… if I have the volume on about a third of the slider with my Galaxy Buds2 Pro, the sound thingy in the control center shows it in the yellow and sometimes red and yet, I can barely hear the music.

I throw my nasty AirPod Gen 2s in there and they’re so caked with ear wax it is basically the same deal. They made sense back when I got the phone a year and some change ago, but with these issues there is no telling if I actually am putting my ears at risk or not.


Powerfile8 t1_jeeocbl wrote

Why would you want to turn that off? Take care of yourself


AyoBruh t1_jeexh5m wrote

For me it’s Bluetooth / Aux jacks in cars, where I have the volume all the way up to combat the signal to noise ratio, that I always trigger this warning

Edit: I just learned in this thread you can specify device type for Bluetooth


Rompeth t1_jeeyr5m wrote

I always had this happen with my car. I always thought it was headphone safety but I turned off the sound check option in music settings and it’s not as quiet anymore


404Mate t1_jef95nu wrote

you can also specify lightning adaptors to aux


kittysneeze88 t1_jef2to7 wrote

I’m also pretty certain the loudness measurements are inaccurate if you’re not using Apple headphones or the Apple dongle. How would it be able to know the sensitivity of every headphone’s driver via analog input? Even if it could detect the headphone’s impedance, the sensitivity rating is more prudent to determining overall volume level, and that rating is variable depending on the headphone model, and can even vary depending on the content you’re listing to.

Also, if you’re connecting your headphones wirelessly, you can often adjust the volume on both the phone, and the external receiver, separately. In this case, the phone volume should be set to max and you can adjust the overall volume from the Bluetooth device itself. In these common cases, the phone can’t accurately judge your headphone’s true volume level because it’s not controlling the level at all.


roj t1_jeek5by wrote

Lower the volume


Puzzleheaded_Boot186 t1_jeegm3o wrote

Try to go into settings>accessibility>audio/visual>disable headphone notifications. It worked for me.


valhellis t1_jee90va wrote

Change the bluetooth device type to other


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jee9rtn wrote

I appreciate the comment but can’t seem to find this option within the health app or settings.


valhellis t1_jeeax0e wrote

Its not there, its in: settings > Bluetooth > press the ⓘ from one of your devices and there you can change device type


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jeeb9il wrote

Thank you, I appreciate the clarification. It doesn’t resolve the problem as I’m not using Bluetooth headphones and get the notification when my phone is plugged into the aux via lighting adapter.


valhellis t1_jeebes6 wrote

Aha okay, I dont think there is a solution for aux


craigiest t1_jeexe0p wrote

You really shouldn’t want to have your headphones at ear damaging levels. Tinnitus and hearing loss are not worth it.


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jeeyk19 wrote

I really appreciate your concern, you really shouldn’t assume I’m using headphones. As I’ve already stated in previous comment; this happens when I plug my phone in to the aux cord via lightning adapter for the car speakers that are frustratingly quiet.


craigiest t1_jeez1o0 wrote

Sorry, I misread that your headphones weren’t Bluetooth.


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jeezj67 wrote

No worries, thanks for the concern & I appreciate the apology.


Puzzleheaded_Boot186 t1_jeegmgq wrote

Try to go into settings>accessibility>audio/visual>disable headphone notifications. It worked for me.


knletree t1_jefra8p wrote

It works. These people saying otherwise don’t know what they’re talking about.


ReturnOfTheJackk t1_jeepr0e wrote

I get these constantly - I still have a traditional AUX cord in my car, which warrants the the phone volume is turned all the way way up to get anything reminiscent of sound out of the speakers. I think iphone thinks I’m blaring sound into my ears at max volume at all times


itsabearcannon t1_jeev4lq wrote

I think your sound system is broken, because I can definitely get eardrum-rupturing audio out of my Prius speakers with my phone at 50% and the stereo cranked to 50+ volume level. Same with my old Escape, as well.


ReturnOfTheJackk t1_jeeydy9 wrote

Sounds system is very much broken my friend, no doubt haha…2008 escape


Not_Nova_ t1_jefgskp wrote

In OP’s defense, many music-playing apps provide audio equalizers. With that said, sometime you need to turn the volume up quite high depending on if you’re recording/listening.


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jefh62q wrote

I really didn’t anticipate to stir up quite the debacle, I appreciate the defense.


Not_Nova_ t1_jefhk3p wrote

That’s good ole’ Reddit for you at-times unfortunately! I use Spotify, and am always fiddling with the audio-quality depending on what music I’m listening too. So, I completely understand why this would be an issue


mandrews03 t1_jefsf79 wrote

r/askreddit : people who always have their volume at full, what do you think happened in your life until now that made you this way?


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jefu4g7 wrote

6 years in the Air Force, had the pleasure of living next to the flight line all 6 years listening to jets come and go.


mandrews03 t1_jefudmc wrote

I really hope they get you some top of the line hearing aids my man. The least you deserve.


Mightychallenge t1_jeg5osl wrote

When anime trap beats got really big from 2014-2017. And when I built my first decent car audio system.


Mightychallenge t1_jeg5r68 wrote

When anime trap beats got really big from 2014-2017. And when I built my first decent car audio system.


zerospecial t1_jeg43y0 wrote

By keep on listening to music until you can't hear anything.


Thatlady17 t1_jefyc1u wrote

As someone who is hearing impaired and need to listen to my AirPods at an increased sound to enjoy my music I appreciate you posting this.


DarthMauly t1_jeedal9 wrote

If you're in the EU it's mandatory and can't be turned off


Puzzleheaded_Boot186 t1_jeeggvw wrote

Wrong. I live in EU and i disabled it. Just need to go into settings>accessibility>audio/visual>disable headphone notifications.


paulstelian97 t1_jeekf1j wrote

I think the mandatory stuff is the automatic limitation (automatically lower the volume if it's up for too long). Though I've only seen Android do this.


DarthMauly t1_jeem4o5 wrote

It is indeed yes. Someone else has posted a workaround to toggling the actual notifications, but don't believe that will stop the sound reduction itself


Akimbek12 t1_jefgmnh wrote

By turning down the volume.


TimidPanther t1_jeeatxo wrote

Settings > Sounds & Haptics > Headphone Safety > Headphone notifications off

I found that simply by swiping down, typing in "headphone notifications" and pressing on the settings that corresponded with that.


idiopathic_tog OP t1_jeeb5s4 wrote

That toggle isn’t present in the current menu, I even swiped down and tried the search feature but yielded the same result.


Examination-Massive t1_jeeq0oj wrote

Press on lighting adapters and forget all adapters, then plug in your adapter again and it should appear and ask if it’s headphones or other device, press on other device and it should be fixed


TimidPanther t1_jeebls9 wrote

Strangely I don't have an option for Lightning Adaptors on my phone.