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jhnyrrr t1_jdxhk2d wrote

.XX releases rarely feature mind blowing game changes features. It’s usually minor improvements, features delayed at launch and other house cleaning stuff.

Major X.0 releases and their features get teased at WWDC in June.

This has been known forever.


DevynDavies t1_jdxm5fd wrote

I don’t think so but I don’t think they’re being aggressive enough in getting those ideas to people big free.


Whiplash104 t1_jdza1ta wrote

WTF does that mean? They added features. It's a "dot" release which is usually just a few features and bug fixes.


MonyMony222 t1_jdxiphw wrote

What’s the battery impact? Seems like mind blowing features blow my battery life until a 16.x.x release.


AppointmentNeat t1_jdxp001 wrote

They’re waiting to see what Google does so they can add the feature 5 years later and call it the “greatest innovation on any phone.”


robertodurian t1_jdzdplv wrote

Scrolling in the settings is not smooth, quite sticky


therandar t1_jdyvvsy wrote

good god no! there are still so many things they can copy from android.
