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fr33ooooo5433 t1_jcky47m wrote

I'm waiting for the iPhone 99 Max Pro Ultra Pro Plus 7700G


0000GKP t1_jckwa2b wrote

If I can wait another 1.5 years to buy the 16, I obviously don’t need the 15.


Call_of_Queerthulhu t1_jcl0y3i wrote

The 15 will be the one with big changes, the 16 probably will be basically thesame thing like the 13 and 14


rage1026 t1_jcl53ld wrote

I have a 12 Pro but won’t upgrade until it gets USB-C. Since a lot of evidence strongly suggests we’re getting it on 15 then I’ll get the 15 if it is so.


unDturd t1_jcl0bsa wrote

I would get whatever comes in titanium. Wish my phone was lighter


Technical_Heat5215 t1_jcmwr1v wrote

I’m at the 12 right now, so it’s going to be a tough call. Going to need more than USB-C.


corecenite t1_jcl2dvt wrote

I am in dire need of an upgrade from my S10e. I need something that can handle Genshin for the next 5 years or more


Obi-Lan t1_jclduy7 wrote

I would base it on what actually gets released but I'm more in the market for the 17 or later.


KenRodriguezz t1_jcnakoi wrote

Why wait that long for the 16?


BlackShadow2804 OP t1_jcncvg6 wrote

Because it may have some major upgrades, like sideloading. The main reason I don't like iPhone is no USB-C and they restrict so much stuff... Like sideloading (I've had to sideload a lot of apps)


KenRodriguezz t1_jcnddbw wrote

What is sideload?


BlackShadow2804 OP t1_jcnvfzu wrote

Like, not directly from the app store. So some older apps that aren't technically supported and available in the app store anymore have to be sideloaded to get them


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