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[deleted] t1_je4jx73 wrote

> Of course Apple is going to try and make more money by tracking you for ads, what are you going to do?

The only thing I can do. Try and show people, that Apple isn't somehow their friend or that they care about privacy.

> Apple products are the best quality there is, they can track you and push ads and it’ll still be so much better than the competition

I mean, that's very subjective and if you like them that's great. For me they aren't really the best at anything, except mayyyybeeee tablets, so obviously I've gone with the competition, but it is important to keep companies accountable for their actions and not blindly believe their marketing. Regardless of which company we are talking about.


Business-Parsnip-939 t1_je4sp49 wrote

It is always good to be aware and make others aware of how companies progress, but my point is that even if apple did push their advertisments further into inconvenient areas, (which they haven’t yet) most people would still buy Apple products because of their simplicity and quality.

A good example of this is the haptic trackpad, which if you want on windows laptops you have to pay thousands, and in terms of battery life on macs they are unbeatable. Even if Apple pushed iCloud and other services more and more, I wouldn’t really have a choice as Apple products are still some of the most quality products and you just can’t compare any windows laptop to the MacBook air for example


[deleted] t1_je50euc wrote

> most people would still buy Apple products.

I have absolutely no doubt about that