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gnulynnux t1_je6pfda wrote

Oh yeah! I don't discredit that. For a lot of people, face recognition works better than fingerprint recognition, and vice versa.

With people saying things like "Your face seems to be the problem here" or "people don’t know how to train it and actively work against its learning abilities", I feel like I need to add my two cents. Fingerprint recognition works far far better for me


Explosivpotato t1_je6pxul wrote

I honestly like when apple maintains both designs. Would you like a fingerprint scanner or a face scanner? Choose your form factor. The only possible improvement would be to offer both in one package, but they’d have to adopt <10 year old concepts to do that. I’m not fussy, you’re fussy


gnulynnux t1_je6qifu wrote

I'd love if they had a fingerprint scanner on the back like Google Pixel phones used to have. Bonus point is it would make the larger phones much easier to hold 8)


Daftworks t1_je77fge wrote

Just make the Apple logo on the back TouchID, like how Linus has been suggesting it for years now.