Submitted by tammuz t3_yi1k22 in iphone

Every iPhone I’ve ever had, eventually the speakers quality ends up so bad it becomes almost inaudible.

I take immaculate care of my devices and don’t ever have the speakers on full blast for long periods.

Inbuilt obsolescence? Poor design? Anybody else experience this issue?



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nullus_72 t1_iugrtd3 wrote

They just get clogged with crap. No matter how careful you are, there’s dust and dander in the air. The magnets in them also pick up tiny metal shavings if you happen to be around any.


tammuz OP t1_iuk0kp9 wrote

Yeah I’m pretty diligent with cleaning. Once every few weeks I’ll pop it out of the case and give it a good brush down with an anti static brush. I wouldn’t have asked this question if I felt I was negligent with maintenance and cleaning care. But I do agree they are mobile speakers after all and are exposed to so much more than the typical sound system.


nullus_72 t1_iukb217 wrote

My dad found using a combination of suction and a magnet helps him keep his speakers working, just because even if you scrub, but the stuff has really lodged up in there, it might not help. On the other hand he’s a machinist so he’s around a lot more fine metal particles than most people.


maturebozo t1_iugystv wrote

I heard that you could clean them with a toothbrush. Guess that will remove any tiny debris.


tammuz OP t1_iuk0o6g wrote

Anti static brush for the speakers and charging port is what I use.


CharlieHello00 t1_iugzgfj wrote

Mine also.

And my familly has the same problem for years now.


star_particles t1_iuh533z wrote

Last three devices I’ve had this happen to them like clockwork by a year after new it ends up being so bad it’s hardly audible and it slowly starts to go out so it’s hard to notice it and I’ll constantly be thinking it’s not loud but not know if I’m just being silly till it’s completely messed up.


Chemical_Ad_8467 t1_iuhujdt wrote

Any phones speaker will get dirty and will have lower volume , try cleaning them more often so it doesn’t get a lot of crap inside it as I didn’t clean my old 8plus for like a year and now the ear peace speaker has crappy volume no matter how I clean it


United_Cause_9980 t1_iuix5s2 wrote

Personally, this happens to me every single time with the front earpiece! I usually take it to the Apple Store and they clean it for free. They recommend cleaning the bottom speakers with cotton swabs.


OhSixTJ t1_iuhn1lr wrote

I’ve never had this issue but I do know that I can never get my phone to go back to the original full-volume from when I first took it out of the box. Now whether that is speaker degradation, a crappy volume control system with the iOS, or dirt and crap getting into the speakers, I don’t know…


tammuz OP t1_iuk0yn6 wrote

Yeah it’s probably a culmination of all of these things. And because I take good care of my phones they typically last me ~4 years. So it’s expected I guess in this new wave tech age that is advancing so quickly.

I’m a little old school having worked for Apple myself I know how to get the most out of my products. I still have my 2012 MacBook Pro. The last of the SuperDrive models! She’s going strong! Hehe


tammuz OP t1_iuk18p2 wrote

Thanks for all the replies. Nice to have a sounding board in the community! Cheers


LabEven9413 t1_iugs12z wrote

It’s just you . You should probably learn to take care of your products more 🤪


tammuz OP t1_iuk0mvw wrote

Yeah you’re right. It’s me. I take full responsibility 😂


Bachronus t1_iuik46v wrote

Speakers don’t just become crap unless you blow them.

Clean your shit


tammuz OP t1_iuk0ps7 wrote

I clean my shit. Clean your attitude bruh