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OhSixTJ t1_iuhn1lr wrote

I’ve never had this issue but I do know that I can never get my phone to go back to the original full-volume from when I first took it out of the box. Now whether that is speaker degradation, a crappy volume control system with the iOS, or dirt and crap getting into the speakers, I don’t know…


tammuz OP t1_iuk0yn6 wrote

Yeah it’s probably a culmination of all of these things. And because I take good care of my phones they typically last me ~4 years. So it’s expected I guess in this new wave tech age that is advancing so quickly.

I’m a little old school having worked for Apple myself I know how to get the most out of my products. I still have my 2012 MacBook Pro. The last of the SuperDrive models! She’s going strong! Hehe