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LabEven9413 t1_iuftrw7 wrote

You will miss the 120hz


synicalx1 t1_iugtdu2 wrote

I went from a 13 Pro to 14 Plus (after quite a lot of use before that of 90-120hz Androids) and honestly it's not a big deal for me. I notice the slower refresh rate but its like the notch - you just forget about it after a while.


primz27 t1_iufz19i wrote

It's not worth it all the features of the pro make it the better choice and you should get used to the weight after a while


Content-Artichoke541 t1_iug8c0y wrote

Ill be here waiting fot the “i went from a 14 PM to a 14 plus and i regret it, how can i go back without loosing too much money” post


blasto2236 t1_iug7ixz wrote

I would personally recommend the 14 Pro coming from a X. I had the X and then the 11 Pro. Went 12 Mini in 2020 because the increase from 5.7 on the X/11 Pro to 6.1 just seemed a bit too large to me. Having just upgraded to the 14 Pro, it’s closest in size/usability to the X that I think we are ever going to get. The Pro Max/Plus models are non starters for me.


weedwhacking t1_iugl591 wrote

I think the 14 pro would be the right choice if you liked the X. Plus/max will be too big


[deleted] t1_iugqbob wrote

It’s 1 ounce mate, not that much.


Kindnexx t1_iug38a9 wrote

I would take advantage of the fact that stocks are full of those to try it out in store


eni6ma007 t1_iug5qxn wrote

Went from a regular 12 -> 14pro weight is more noticeable but it’s totally manageable


VR1008 t1_iugperl wrote

Don’t do it, the camera on the max, the dynamic island, the 120hz it’s all really solid once you get used to it. The 14 plus is an outdated phone hardware wise. I too found the pro max way too heavy at first but you get used to it quickly


AgreeableArm t1_iugqp67 wrote

Give it some time. You’re coming from the X, so you just need time to adjust. It’s not actually such a big difference in absolute terms.


inspectorgadgetaudio t1_iugrot4 wrote

I went from a normal iPhone 13 to the 14 Pro Max and the first thing out of the box I noticed the weight but not in a bad way. I think it feels solid. There would be no way I’d swap it though. I’m a Pro Max convert for sure. Stupid question maybe but why is it so heavy? Is it so Apple can price it per how many grams it weighs 😂. No seriously anyone know why?


TinyMiniPixel t1_iugzp1k wrote

Big camera module, bigger battery and stainless steel frame.


Generalrossa t1_iugrvua wrote

Ooft that’s a huge downgrade. Why not the 14 Pro instead?


jacked-n-tan-bb t1_iugszpb wrote

I got a MagSafe Popsocket (was like $10 on sale at Target) to help hold it. No more complaints 🤷‍♂️


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Zemyoro t1_iufu44g wrote

No, people have mentioned the noticeably heavier weight and I got used to it in a day or two. I don’t plan on switching anytime soon, but I’d prefer to switch over to the 13 Pro Max over the 14 Plus because of the feature similarities.

Edit: I realised after commenting this that the 13 Pro Max is about the same weight as the 14 Pro Max. The 14 Plus is a good choice if Pro features aren’t a must.


Content-Artichoke541 t1_iug8l30 wrote

Why would he switch to a 13 pro max? He is looking for a lighter phone 13 pro max is very heavy too


Zemyoro t1_iui8a2c wrote

My mistake. I realise now that they’re both 240 grams. The 14 Plus is good then if the Pro features aren’t a must.


applezot t1_iugd40g wrote

Apple says the X weighs 6.14 ounces (174 grams) and the14 Pro Max weights 8.47 ounces (240 grams). That is difference of 2.33 oz. Time to hit the gym weights if this small amount rocks your world.
