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zerbey t1_iuf43m5 wrote

If you have a Mac (or access to one) you can use Apple Configurator and make a profile to disable all but the settings she needs, I'm not sure if you can disable the physical switch though (maybe put some tape over it?

There may be other free utilities that work on PC but I've never researched it.


Whiplash104 t1_iuf4c2x wrote

I used the shortcuts app to crate an automation that would undo all of the things my dad did by accident. Turn of airplane mode odd, wi-fi back on, DND off, turn up volume (unfortunately you can only do media volume, not ringer,) turn up brightness, etc. He tended to over enlarge text so it would reset that. I set it to run twice a day and when he commented the charger. As for the silent switch go into her contacts and find your contact. Edit your contact ringtone and text tone (both) and toggle on "emergency bypass." Now no matter what she does to her phone, you can call her and it will ring.

Another thing you can do is set a schedule for DND to turn on and off for 1 min at different times of day and that might leave it toggled off. I'm not sure if it will just return to previous setting, though.

Here's an example of what I did on his phone.

And he would mess up his phone with accessibility settings so I would run this once a day on automation.


gcerullo t1_iuf5i8u wrote

If your mother is setting DND or any other focus mode that is blocking your ability to contact her you should first delete all the focus modes. DND can’t be deleted, but you can set it up so that even if she accidentally enables it you are allowed to get through.

As for other settings you could try and see if ‘Screen Time’ can be used to create some restrictions. Also you may consider deleting apps, even default Apple apps, that your mom doesn’t need to simplify things for her.


RandomBloke2021 t1_iugs1zo wrote

Get her a flip phone with consumer cellular. Not worth the hassle. Got my mom and dad a plan with them and i pay for it.


Patrol-007 t1_iugunra wrote

Put the iPhone into an Otterbox case to protect the phone and also make it physically more difficult or her to move the “silent” switch


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