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Educational_Worth906 t1_iu8gqlz wrote

It just copies it rather than deleting it. Can’t answer the WhatsApp question though.


2eanimation t1_iu8h5up wrote

The last time I had to use Move To iOS it just copied everything. „Transferring“ is copying with an extra step of deleting the original data, in this context. That could potentially mean to lose data, which is why it should still just copy everything.

WhatsApp was another story, back then there was no official way of transferring your messages. It is possible now, but keep in mind that you can only have one device per WA account, as it is tied to your phone number/sim. There are third party solutions(like WA browser) which connect to your main account, no official way of having the WhatsApp app twice using one account though.


TamjaiFanatic t1_iu8oz01 wrote

You cannot use whatsapp with only one number but two phones. Move to IOS app can transfer all whatsapp data from Android to iOS, but you need to back up Android whatsapp data to google drive first (do it in whatsapp settings)


Dave-CPA t1_iu9e8ki wrote

What’s the advantage to this over an iCloud backup? I’ve always wondered.


o_potus t1_iu9ofdl wrote

It’s definitely easier to do iCloud backup but if this person had an Android before (like me) then the Move to iOS app would be best


Dave-CPA t1_iu9tfvb wrote

Yeah I didn’t even think of that. I thought they were referring to the quick start function when you change iPhones.


BlackHole6Cut t1_iu9rli7 wrote

Mainly the fact that you can't backup an Android to iCloud.


BlackHole6Cut t1_iu9rscg wrote

I think you can transfer WhatsApp data using the ios move app. I also moved from an Android, but the projected time for the transfer was terrible, and my messages didn't matter that much to me.


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