Submitted by decoyj6g t3_yfmnrg in iphone

I've owned iphone for 6 months and i am still constantly annoyed by many things. Maybe you can point out things that you like about iphone, because atm i don't have many positive things to say about iphone.



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Ok-World-4822 t1_iu456i6 wrote

For me personally it’s the fact that I can buy any iPhone that has iOS 12 or later and know my hearing aids are supported. I can’t say that about android devices. It really depends on the model if it’s supported or not.


Peanutbutter_4380 t1_iu4b8q2 wrote

Being able to reach out to immediate customer service if you need it instead of waiting 15 mins in the chat bot for Samsung people to reply.

Quality customer service instead of external vendor of customer service reps from Samsung.

Need more?


decoyj6g OP t1_iu4d6sd wrote

Good for you if thats valuable for you. I myself have never needed customer service but thats just me.


Peanutbutter_4380 t1_iu5700a wrote

I think it applies to everyone though, not just speaking for myself. Goodluck.


[deleted] t1_iu43cob wrote



decoyj6g OP t1_iu43myk wrote

imo iMessage is very American thing. What makes iMessage good? Sending SMS over data?


Administratr t1_iu46ni9 wrote

I use iMessage every single day. Not sure where this narrative comes from (UK)


BLUEBLASTER69 t1_iu5m0ns wrote

UK here everyone uses Whats app and FB messenger with my friends and family.


walgman t1_iu66c5a wrote

I’m British and some use the WhatsApp and some use messenger. The majority for me is iMessage.


decoyj6g OP t1_iu46w1s wrote

Didn't said that nobody uses it, just that its much more common in USA, could also be UK-s thing dno


Carter0108 t1_iu5fk5n wrote

It's absolutely not a UK thing. Barely anyone in the UK uses SMS and even fewer use iMessage. I had an iPhone for 2 years and didn't use it once.


bighi t1_iu4wz9s wrote

> What makes iMessage good?

Nothing. It's worse than lots of other messaging apps.

It's used a lot in the US because people are still using SMS over there, as if we were still in the year 1875. They like sticking to medieval systems and beliefs as much as possible, like the imperial system and strong religious fanatism.

I believe that in every other country, it's not used by that many people.


TonytheNetworker t1_iu50gdo wrote

From what I see from other countries they use other messaging platforms like Whatsapp or Telegram to communicate.


harshitabhi t1_iu4cgef wrote

lifetime an iphone 6s still works the great except the battery capacity


trjhcxswe t1_iu43ulz wrote

For me Apples ecosystem is the best available in that everything for the most part works well together. The biggest thing is AppleCare and being able to go into an Apple Store and get a replacement easily if needed (which I have needed to do in the past).

With that being said I use very few of the Apple built in apps which has made the experience better for me. Use Apples hardware for easy support and longer OS support and other apps for a better everyday experience.


decoyj6g OP t1_iu44jdb wrote

Ecosystem huh? My first experience with iphone was that, i transferred stuff from my old phone and put my sim into iphone. I had duplicate contacts, like 180 contacts duplicated. And the only way to remove all duplicates fast, i to basically own a mac, like wtf, WHY. So i had to delete every contact manually, many steps just to delete 1 contact. Not the experience i'd hoped.


trjhcxswe t1_iu45ebd wrote

My Apple Watch and AirPod Pros work incredibly well with the phone. I use both everyday and after trying many other products they are the best available for me. I’m no fan of Apple but have had the android experience and for me Apple suits my needs.

I also use a Windows laptop as after using many Macs I am not a fan.

iPhone isn’t for everyone and honestly I would go with the Samsung Fold 4 if I wasn’t using an iPhone but if I had an issue with it I can’t imagine going through an RMA if it has a hardware issue. I like I can go into a store and get support.


decoyj6g OP t1_iu46qjb wrote

I don't own smartwatch anymore, but my galaxy buds worked well with samsung and works well with iphone too. BUT airpods and watch better work incredibly well, because they are pricey.


Nu-er-det-nok t1_iu45b3z wrote

I’m not annoyed of anything 🤷🏻 I have been using iPhone for the last 10 years.


decoyj6g OP t1_iu46194 wrote

could be that it's just because you haven't used anything else. For me, gestures doesn't work consistently from app to app, face ID doesn't work that great, keyboard sucks for me and only option is to use 3rd party keyboards, but apple still sometimes forces it's own keyboard, Speaker holes are tiny and collect a lot of dust, hurting the sound quality. There are many more.


Nu-er-det-nok t1_iu46ift wrote

I haven't had any problems with any of the things you mention. Not even on my iPad.


Playful_Passage_2985 t1_iu6ljoc wrote

Come on. YOu are lying to yourself. Gestures on iOS is trash. I own an iphone, and Android is way better.


decoyj6g OP t1_iu47txt wrote

you probably don't need different keyboard. But i call BS on faceID working flawlessly. Yes, it does work when there's "good conditions". But it fails when i have e-cig in mouth or when i'm lying on the bed and half my face is covered in pillow and so on. "Well, it's not supposed to then" Yes, but there aren't any others options, there's no fingerprint, nothing. I have put my passcode in iphone so many times that i'm annoyed and tired of it.


M3msm t1_iu4h470 wrote

Sounds like you should get rid of it


dvrwin t1_iu4o0le wrote

I never had a problem with any of the things you just mentioned especially faceID. That’s one of the most flawless features Apple has ever had IMO.

Just get get a different phone then cause you clearly are not happy with the product.


Peanutbutter_4380 t1_iu57bpw wrote

No issue with faceID, it’s just you that I see complaining about it….


decoyj6g OP t1_iu5s3jc wrote

Okay sure, yep yep, people complained already when it launched.


Peanutbutter_4380 t1_iu5xg6h wrote

Nah buddy. If you hate the product so much why are you typing here instead of changing it to something you like, jeez.


Tedstor t1_iu4rour wrote

I like carplay. I like how iphone works with AppleTV. I like ApplePay.

I also have an old ipod touch connected to a stereo rig in my office. I can use my iphone as a remote control for the ipod. This is an odd use case though.

I guess I like the ecosystem more than I like the phone. But the phone is a central component of the ecosystem.

As far as the phone itself is concerned, I could probably live just as happily with an Android. Android probably has a good equivalent to everything I listed above. But the iphone does everything I want it to do. They last for years and are supported seemingly forever.

My first smartphone was a Samsung S5 (i think). I didnt have it two years before OS couldnt be updated and apps got buggy. It wasn't a particularly well made phone either. I switched to iphone mostly because thats what my work issued. The iphone worked well, and I didn't want to carry two chargers. So I defected and haven't had a reason to consider switching back to Android.


TonytheNetworker t1_iu505z3 wrote

Coming from Android there’s quite a bit. I own a MacBook, IPad, and IPhone and they all communicate with one another. So I can answer text off my computer or copy and paste an article from my iPad to my phone. And this is without any further support on my end.

While Android, namely Samsung, has greatly improved in software updates Apple is still excellent with rolling out updates consistently. The haptics are also great meaning I can feel the feedback when I’m typing a message or can react to a phone call quicker when my phone is lying on my bed. Also, one last thing the apps tend to be more polished/refined (yes even in 2022). Perfect example is Instagram where my S21 FE was missing information because of its aspect ratio.


MonyMony222 t1_iu520bs wrote

It was battery life until I updated to 16.1. Getting 40% fewer hours out of a charge for the last few days.


newecreator t1_iu7ipdh wrote

Are you expecting an iPhone to work like an Android phone?