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PatientExpired t1_iu3tntg wrote

not gonna lie, i don’t think i’ll ever be in a situation where i’ll get to use it 🥲


peduxe t1_iu4c769 wrote

I feel like iOS having Apple Pencil support would make apps like these much more useable


PatientExpired t1_iu4j2cq wrote

the proportions will be really weird for using an apple pencil with an iPhone.

I think this new app would be great on iPads and Macs but iPhones will mainly be used as a “canvas viewer”, not so great as a design tool.


Dark_Lightner t1_iu6nbzx wrote

Tim Cook : « introducing the Apple Pencil mini »


DesperateUse5976 t1_iu95gmo wrote

They would make it only compatible with the biggest iPhone Mega Ultra Super Pro. More heavy, bigger camera bump. Three color options, all muted and boring. 128 GB base, 2 grand. We think you are going to love it.


crazyhomie34 t1_iu5p4we wrote

Idgaf I’d use a pencil every day if it was supported by my iPhone. I came from having a Samsung note and the stylus is the biggest thing I miss coming over to an iPhone. Or you know what? Apple can make a separate stylus and sell more shit. I’d preorder one if it was an option.


RandyLeRam t1_iu80kin wrote

Yeah I’m always jealous when I see people using spen on their s22 ultra.


helluvausername t1_iu84bwj wrote

Old Samsung Notes with S pen were literally smaller then the standard size iPhone nowadays. I see no problem here.


Messiah_Knight t1_iu4piek wrote

Pocket procreate . I know Samsung has some studio app on their notes , people make some insane things on that app


crazyhomie34 t1_iu5p92z wrote

What do you use as a stylus for using this app on an iPhone?


Messiah_Knight t1_iu5pp0v wrote

We’ll since Apple Pencil doesn’t register on iphones(obvious I know) you pretty much use some off brand pen or worst case scenario, your fingers. But adding pencil support would be tricky since you can only charge it (2nd gen) on an iPad.


malcxxlm t1_iu70hjb wrote

I would love to be able to do that, but how do you charge the pencil then? It is sold separately from the iPad so in order to be compatible with the iPhone it would need to be able to be charged separately… except if we are talking Gen 1 Apple Pencil


Shloomth t1_iu5sbhi wrote

you can use this without handwriting or drawing. You can make mind maps and flowcharts and mood boards all without a Pencil


Pizzastevee t1_iu3x15u wrote

You could just doodle random things with friends


Ikn0witall t1_iu4623l wrote

And here comes the penis collabs


codq t1_iu57pdi wrote

Much like how Digital Touch on iMessage is almost exclusively for drawing penises.


Ikn0witall t1_iu5gxho wrote

“With iOS 16 and Freeform there’s a whole new way to send dick pics…and we really think you’re going to love it!”

  • Craig Federighi

BaggySpandex t1_iu4bmn3 wrote

My wife and I are looking forward to using this as a cute digital chalkboard with each other.


i_am_fran t1_iu3wcm8 wrote

I have been testing it and the two major complains I have (considering it’s the first beta) are that it’s not possibile to share items to it, but only to import them from within the app, and that the writing tools are different from the ones in the Notes app (which has more options).

I’m looking forward at using it for research and brainstorming. I’ve been using a few apps to do the same but having a native option with the iPad first in mind could be a game changer.

Comparing it to other apps:

  • Miro and FigJam are built with desktop in mind and then adapted for iPadOS, drawing on them is often not smooth and their integration with the OS is not great.
  • Concepts is great but almost too much. I don’t want to waste time selecting colours, tools, etc. Also, not available on Mac.
  • Muse is almost perfect for what I do but some gestures annoy the hell out of me (no zoom options, weird drag and dropping). Also, boards are not viewable on iOS.

MReprogle t1_iu4rx5m wrote

Dang, I was really hoping it was just going to be a whiteboard for me to throw stuff at. Kinda more like OneNote meets Squid (an awesome whiteboard app for Android)


futura_neue t1_iu5w3b4 wrote

Odd the on the import bit. Just listened to Connected the other day and Federico Vitici mentions that drag and drop really shines with this app.


i_am_fran t1_iu8ht8v wrote

Yes, drag and drop works great. I was just saying that it’s not (yet) available as an option in the share menu.


Endemite t1_iu4f38o wrote

Looking forward to comments from all the people that won’t be using the app and conclude that because of that it shouldn’t exist.


toastyhoodie t1_iu3vs99 wrote

Yep. It’s a neat concept. An open canvas that’s intended to be worked on as a collaborative effort for groups via iCloud.

Pretty neat concept for some.

I may use it as a virtual note taker.


Shloomth t1_iu5tc7w wrote

it feels to me like an evolution of the notes app. Or to put it another way, maybe they were working on adding this functionality to Notes but it ended up making more sense to make it its own separate app


littlegreenalien t1_iu3y2qi wrote

The eighties called, they want their app-icon back.


kwickedbonesc t1_iu46dlw wrote

Okay but also that’s kinda why I love the app-icon. Reminds me of that one cup pattern from the ‘90s.


aquaman501 t1_iu51igj wrote

I prefer the two girls pattern from the ‘00s.


bog3nator t1_iu46oh3 wrote

They wouldn’t ask because they wouldn’t know what an app was.


vayloo10 t1_iu421vd wrote

Already deleted it


petdance t1_iu5isrv wrote

Why do you say "apparently"?


Pizzastevee t1_iu933fm wrote

Because he probably didn’t know the app was coming


meaculpa303 t1_iu5vk6q wrote

Not gonna lie, I didn’t even realize that it was downloaded to my phone. Thanks for the heads up!


TallNotSmall t1_iu3zc7s wrote

I just feel like this will turn more into a modern day Pictochat


MISYYZ t1_iu3w9yf wrote

Can’t see me using it.


ImpartialHawk t1_iu4dc20 wrote

“Apparently,” nothing. I installed 16.2 last night (Public beta) and it was included on my second page of apps. Odd because the first page was not filled. Either way, I have it and it works. I’m really not sure what I’ll use it for, though.


Bwarhop t1_iu4wvnl wrote

I don’t think this would be something I would be interested in but it might be ok for someone else.🤷‍♀️


nikenick28 t1_iu5r64j wrote

I still don’t understand why Apple doesn’t include Apple Support App as standard on iPhones preinstalled


chris34728 t1_iu50v0k wrote

I got this app yesterday on the beta I couldn’t see any use for it 😣


LowFunctioningGenius t1_iu7d10f wrote

That’s valid. One day that might be different, but I’m sure you’ll know it when you think of it.


Shloomth t1_iu5t1k7 wrote

I haven't tested it but i watched the part of the event where they introduced it. It looks like a digital whiteboard, which is something i've wanted for awhile. I'm hoping my family and I can make use of it for the same kinds of things we'd use a whiteboard for, like keeping track of when foods were cooked and chore rotations


MorePropaganda t1_iu5442n wrote

Seems like their take on making some sort of hybrid version of procreate / concepts


RedneckChinadian t1_iu59bf5 wrote

This is a good idea I think. Just the other day I was like saying to myself “dang it I need a notepad to scribble on”


crazyhomie34 t1_iu5ptil wrote

Seems cool. Btw what do you guys use as a stylus for an iPhone? Seems stupid that apple won’t make the stylus compatible with an iPhone.


mason195 t1_iu6rfok wrote

I just deleted that shit, wondering if I drunk downloaded an app. Solved that mystery. Didn’t even think that the update was the culprit.


sjsharksfan12 t1_iu7vneo wrote

Is this just basically a taking notes app? Why not just update the Notes app and just combine the two ideas?


6drg0ns OP t1_iu7vw9d wrote

That’s also what I’m thinking


CANIn16 t1_iu80jyt wrote

Is this on iPadOS 16.2 too?


Pizzastevee t1_iu92ns9 wrote

Already got a bug with it. I can’t delete any boards I make


-D-M-G- t1_iu5whx5 wrote

Apple - ever thought asking your customers what they want instead of what R&D wants to provide. It's called Customer Driven Products. Some guy name Jobs used to talk about it.


LowFunctioningGenius t1_iu7cwy5 wrote

It’s actually not like that in most cases. People don’t ask for the things they get, as much as it’s the company that develops based upon an initial idea and then they see what customers think. I use apps like this all the time with my clients and students. Just because it doesn’t do anything for you, doesn’t mean it’s useless.


me_me_me_me_me t1_iu8lpgc wrote

I dunno if you do this for a living but the last thing you want to do when building a brand new application is to ask users what they want. Users don’t know what they want. They only tell you what they don’t want and even then not until after you build what they said they wanted.

Far-and-away THE BEST way to deliver new applications is to quickly build and deliver a small, limited app that actually works and does something useful on live content. At least that way you can completely start over without losing much time.


OddBee3 t1_iu4u0cy wrote

Is this going to be a competitor to pro create?


liquidsmk t1_iu6yp2e wrote

Can we talk about how trash that app icon is. Looks like a child designed it.


musi-229341 t1_iu466fj wrote

Already this available in appstore


hapnik t1_iu4mdpf wrote

Yup, but can not be installed on 16.1. iOS 16.2 is required…


-K9V t1_iu476zo wrote

They should add the coding app from iPads instead. I don’t care about drawing on my phone, but coding would be sick.

Edit: Ohh sorry, I guess me caring more about coding than drawing is an unpopular opinion.


toluwalase t1_iu4fywk wrote

They can add both. It’s not either or, just because you care more about a different app


-K9V t1_iu4gke9 wrote

Didn’t say they couldn’t.


toluwalase t1_iu4gotm wrote

You said instead


-K9V t1_iu4kmln wrote

Yeah, cause that’s what I would personally prefer. Doesn’t mean that can’t add whatever app they want.

Man, this sub has a severe lack of ability to understand words and context. Downvote me all you want, you clearly didn’t understand what I said. Your mistake.
