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sOFrOsTyyy t1_ity9yb8 wrote

Hopefully one day no pill and no notch. It’s def worse than the notch in terms of looks (and for videos cuts off more of your display). But, my guess is we are stuck with it for at least 2 years.


shrimpynut t1_itygn9w wrote

I say 5 years or so tbh, iPhone 20. Apple is not going to just get rid of it after a year or two because they have spent millions developing it and more than likely have a team now dedicated to its development.


jpopsong t1_iud5ly0 wrote

Finally, someone who agrees the notch and the pill/island are just pathetic interference with a normal full screen! Why won’t Apple just kill the damn notch and island. Who would want their television with a notch or island??? No one! Give us back a normal full screen! People have become such ardent iPhone fans they’ll defend anything. I’ve only bought iPhones ever, but the notch/pill/island is a huge disappointment.


sOFrOsTyyy t1_iudz937 wrote

I get that they haven’t found a way to make the Face ID setup smaller. But the least they could have done was move the pill all the way to he top of the display (which would also make the black plastic around the pill smaller at the top) so we don’t have to have videos cut off. Moving it down is just so un-Apple in terms of design quality or thoughtfulness.