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sunnynights80808 t1_iu31rgv wrote

Also Amplosion from the same creator as Apollo. It bypasses amp from Google search results. One of the best purchases I’ve ever made, costs $2 I believe.


Brettf84 t1_iu3mo1z wrote

Please eli5 what this means


Beateride t1_iu3ufm7 wrote

You're forcing links to open the right url and not the amp link from Google


-kirb t1_iu4fero wrote

I still dont understand but i think Ill buy it


Xaxxus t1_iu4ljzm wrote

When you open a link through google, it loads the page through their servers.

It’s supposed to speed up the experience, but what it actually does is fill the page with google ads, and google tracking.

Amplosion prevents safari from opening the google served page and instead opens the original.


Rcmacc t1_iu90rzq wrote

It also makes links suck when you try to share something


sunnynights80808 t1_iu5oy3c wrote

I’m not sure if Google still does this but when you do a Google search and open one of the results it’ll open a different version of the page that says amp on top and messes up the layout of the page.