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Problem-Otherwise OP t1_iu1nnml wrote

What do you mean by "need"? I mean,it's not like it's gonna die in the next 10 months (the phone) it's just that like,I want new phone because my phone is becoming boring


GayAlexandrite t1_iu1nyzx wrote

Like if your phone is falling apart then don’t wait. If you’re able to wait though, you can either save money or get a newer, better product. The more you wait between models, the more exciting new features there are.


luigibu t1_iu1pc1s wrote

“My phone is becoming boring”? That’s first world problem. Definitely I would wait and I would try find something to do that full fill my joy in a more healthy way. Some sport, walking. A new phone happiness last days. I few weeks with luck.


Remarkable-Sector-44 t1_iu1qglf wrote

  • ,I want new phone because my phone is becoming boring

Then I suggest you switch to Android, as other than the new dynamic island, the iPhone is gonna be the same as the one that came before it.


star_particles t1_iu1par1 wrote

Unfortunately that’s just what happens after a while of owning the same device. We got spoiled when smart phones first came out with the new major upgrades every year or every other year and it made sense to upgrade that often.

I held on my to my xs max for 4 years and that was the longest I’ve had a phone for without upgrading. It definitely got boring but still worked till the speakers gave out.


Dude-e t1_iu1qwk3 wrote

A few questions I like to ask myself before getting a new device (replace phone with whatever you want):

How old is your phone?

Is your current phone not functioning as well as its supposed to be?

Does it NOT perform any specific function that you need for daily usage?

Are there any new features in new phones that you'd like to have? Screen size, 'dynamic island', processing power, cameras, design, etc...

Is your phone looking all banged up but functioning well somehow?

Is this a luxury purchase to treat yourself?

Will you regret this purchase when 'the new thing' comes along next year?


General rule of thumb stuff I like to abide by. Luxury purchases are their own thing, with the rule of treat yo' self as long as you don't break the bank. Just be clear with yourself that this is a purchase of excess and budget things accordingly.


restockthreestock t1_iu29sze wrote

Idk what phone you have rn, but if it’s any of the iPhone X or later iPhones, the novelty of a new iPhone will wear off soon and you’ll feel “bored” again. I only say this because beyond better cameras or faster speeds, a new iPhone is functionally the same phone as all the notched iPhones.

If you gave a home button iPhone or an android, you’ll feel a difference jumping to an iPhone 13/14.