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Sylvurphlame t1_iufup9o wrote

  1. It is renewable at the monthly rate if you do so before the AppleCare+ expires. You can see you coverage expiration in Settings > General > About. Also in the Support and Apple Store apps. You cannot buy AppleCare+ after the initial warranty expires. You must purchase the one-time two year or monthly plan within 60 days of sale. It’s more a limited or indefinite iPhone insurance than a “we’d like to talk to you about your phone’s extended warranty” thing.
  2. You’re changing to an entirely different OS. There are lots of things to know. You’d have to be more specific. If you’re using the Apple app for transferring data off your android device, carve out a little time to play with it and be prepared to let it transfer data overnight. Preferably when you don’t have to be at work the next day in case you need to trouble shoot.
  3. You can use any Bluetooth wireless headphones with any iPhone. Wired headphones will need to be Apple’s own Lightning EarPods or use a Lightning to 3.5 mm jack adapter.
  4. Apple will replace the battery if battery health rating drops below a certain threshold. I believe this is free while under warranty or at a reduced price if out of warranty but within AppleCare+ coverage. I’m unfamiliar with the specifics as I’ve only ever replaced a battery at reduced rate via AppleCare+ after the two-year mark.

Necessary_Owl_4656 t1_iuhbzh0 wrote

My only correction to this is that you can get apple care after the first 60 days if you bring the phone into an Apple Store and they inspect it to make sure it’s not damaged but it does have to be within the first year before the limited warranty expires (but I also don’t know why you would plan to do this if you know you want apple care from the purchase date because the plan starts from date of device purchase not date of apple care purchase so you’re basically paying for a year of coverage you didn’t get to use)


Sylvurphlame t1_iuhm6dh wrote

> My only correction to this is that you can get apple care after the first 60 days if you bring the phone into an Apple Store and they inspect it

I was unaware! That’s good to know.

> but I also don’t know why you would plan to do this if you know you want apple care

Two scenarios I can imagine.

The iPhone was a gift and you didn’t come with AppleCare+. Some might not realize it’s a thing. And there might be a legal requirement that they allow it before the limited warranty expires / why turn down money?

Or you buy the device through a third party reseller like Amazon, but want your AppleCare billed and tracked through Apple.

That’s me. Bought an Watch Ultra on Amazon, because gift cards. But I think I’d like to cancel the Apple Care+ tied to my Amazon card and have it billed to my Apple Card instead. I need to contact Support and verify that’s okay. It hasn’t shipped just yet so the AppleCare isn’t active.

> the plan starts from date of device purchase

Or shipping date, whichever is first


Necessary_Owl_4656 t1_iuho17g wrote

The gift thing is perfectly fair, I didn’t think of that! As far as the reseller thing I guess I could see it but I also don’t see a need to have it billed through apple (unless you really want the 3% Apple Card cash back on it) bc an authentic apple care plan is tied to the serial number of the phone so when you go to use it the plan will come up automatically without any worry of proof of purchase


Sylvurphlame t1_iuhomy6 wrote

> The gift thing is perfectly fair, I didn’t think of that!

Me neither until they gave me the Amazon gift cards! ☺️

> unless you really want the 3% Apple Card cash back on it

Every % counts! :) Plus I like to avoid revolving balances where possible. Or at least minimize them to specific cards. I don’t want charges piling up on that Chase-backed Amazon card while I’m not paying attention. And having all Apple-related charges on my Apple Card soothes my low key OCD.